Chapter 12

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AbigaiL's POV
It was Monday morning. Me and Nick had spent the whole day together yesterday. Saturday's events had me even more madly in love with Nick, if that was possible. It was exam week and I only had one exam today, psychology. I had my nerdy moments where I would study and prepare myself and I was ready for this. As I walked into school, it seemed different.
"Hey slut bag." Oh fuck.. One of Jessica's bitchy friends was coming towards me with a pissed off look on her face.
"Let me guess, you're pissed off because I got rid of the main cunt bag and you guys have no idea what to do because you're too fucking stupid."
She went to say something but ended up huffing and puffing and walked away.
"It's about time you stood up to them." Juliet said coming over to me and giving me a pat on the back.
"And it felt good." I turned around to see Andy, Josh and Tyler all running towards me.
"Gail! Did you really just say that!?!" Tyler said excitedly.
"Fuck yeah. I'm sick and tired of their bull shit. Hey I gotta go to psych, I'll see you all later. Bye I love you!"
"Love you Gail." They all said at different times.
I swiftly walked to psych as I was about to be late.
"Jesus Gail where were you?" Johnnie asked as I sat down right as the late bell rang.
"I told one of Jessica's cunt bag friends off."
"It's about fucking time."
"Where's Nick?"
"He's exempt from the exam since he came into the class so late."
"Lucky bastard."
"You're telling me."
"Alright class!! The exam is thirty multiple choice and one short answer. Good luck." Our teacher had said as he was passing out the exams. I knew what the short answer was so I did that first and then continued with the multiple choice. After we finished, we could leave. I was one of the first ones to leave, leaving Johnnie alone.
"See ya." I said quietly.
I walked out of the room, grabbing my keys from my purse. I reached for my phone in pocket and texted Nick saying I'd be home in a few minutes. I had gotten no reply which had me worried.
Maybe he's just sleeping Abigail... But what if he isn't sleeping? What if he's doing something...
My mind wondered the entire time I was driving home. I couldn't wait to be back in Nick's arms.
"Nick!?! Baby!? I'm home!" I yelled as I walked in the door..

Nick's POV
As Abigail left for her exam, I laid there and thought about a couple of things. What if she did find out I took pills? Would she try to take them away and keep them for herself? Would she leave me? I don't think she knows I used to self harm... What if she asks me more about my past? But she hasn't.. But that doesn't stop her from asking now. She hasn't seen my scars obviously which is a good thing I'm guessing. I can't lose her. We both need each other. I'm saving her from making a stupid mistake, and so far, she's saving me...
I got out of bed and looked in my bag. I looked at the bottles of pills and decided to throw them away. Wait! I can't.. What if I need them? Okay maybe I shouldn't tell Abigail, and I shouldn't throw these away... I need to get myself off of these things and then I can throw them away.
I got up and walked to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, thoughts began to over run my mind..
You're nothing without Abigail!
You're a worthless piece of shit!
Even your parents hate you!
You deserved to get bullied you fucking faggot!
You know why your ex left you!?! Because you're a fucking low life! Abigail is going to leave you also!
You should just kill yourself now!

I went back to the bedroom and looked at my phone to see Abigail had texted me saying she was on her way home. I didn't reply... What was the point anymore... I want a second chance... But I'm so broken. As I sat down on her bed I heard the front door open and close. I heard faint footsteps as Abigail came into her room, throwing her purse on the floor.
"So? How was it?" I ask.
"Pretty easy. I have to go in for two more exams tomorrow and then I'm done for the rest of the week."
"I don't have any in case you were wondering."
"I figured you didn't. Well I'm fucking tired so I'm gonna take a nap."
"Okay sweetheart. I'll wake you up later.  I'm gonna go make some food. I love you." I kissed her head and lips and got up to go downstairs.
As I walked to the kitchen I heard the front door open yet again, only to hear Josh.
Oh great....
I thought as I began to look through the various cupboards in the kitchen.
"Hey." Josh said as he opened the fridge door to get a drink.
"Hi." I said quietly.
I began to make some frozen pop corn chicken. It just sounded so freaking good.
After it was done in the microwave, I ate like I haven't eaten in a year.
After I put my plate in the sink I walked quietly to Abigail's room to grab my phone.
I grabbed it and went down stairs and sat down on the couch. I saw I had a text from my mom asking where I had went. Only a few days late...
N- I left. I'm not coming back. I'm moving in with my girlfriend Abigail.
M- What!?! Why didn't you say good bye Nick?
N- Because it's not like you would have cared anyway. It took you this fucking long to notice I was gone.
M- I would have cared!
N- it's not good to lie.
M- I'm not lying! Nicholas!
N- good bye mom.
I had an app on my phone that I could block numbers. I blocked hers and my dad's number. I don't want anything to do with them. I put my phone down and sat there with my head in my hands. Still wondering if I should take my own life or not.

Save Me From Myself, I'm Going Downحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن