Soon is not soon enough

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Days after

"What happened there?" Katherine asked Elena as they barely made it alive out of a werewolf den.

"Huh" Elena exclaimed catching her breath.

"Remind me what you are again?" Katherine raised an eyebrow at the doppelganger.

"A woman with the mystical blood- and you said you would watch my back!" Elena spat at the vampire.

"Well- who got us out of there?!" Katherine shot back brushing her hair with her fingers.

"Right- take it to him!" Elena now passed the little paper to the vampire.

Katherine narrowed her eyesin a serious fashion, "This will only buy us six days"

"Better than nothing," Elena said."Tristan must believe that we are against Klaus. And who hates Klaus more than anything on this Earth?!"

"Me" Katherine said. "You know that you will be betraying Elijah with this?"

"Petrovas come first, don't they?!" Elena said to the female vampire.

"Yes" Katherine nodded standing up."See you on the other side then."

"See you" Elena said sighing silently.

As the vampire whizzed away, she took her phone out and pressed the speeddial.


"Yes, my lovely?!" the Original said as he picked up the phone.

"The message with the witch's name is being delivered as we speak." Elena said.

"Aya is waiting for it." Elijah said.

"I love you." Elena said, feeling her soul break a little. Things are not black and white- Esther's words drummed in her head- "although they might present it that way. Betrayal is in their blood. But they never betray each other, although they might make you believe so, but everyone else."

"Love you, too." Elijah said."I am going to be in the Bayou tonight."

Elena now hung up. She was nervous and her head was spinning. They are very sly, Elena. Strix found out about you. Elijah will not be able to protect you. You will have to fend for yourself. You will need all the friends and even foes to stand by you. It's like playing a game of chess- and when you think that you had played check-mate- it would seem that it was played on you. 

But what other force on this planet is stronger than anything else- the foolishness of love. Elena didn't think twice. Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all- went through her head and now hopped in her SUV. 

Some time later, she walked in the bayou wooden house. Elijah stood on the porch and she just walked in his arms without saying anything kissing him passionately.

"Don't say anything" she said to him and it was clear enough that she just wanted to be loved and that the world could come crushing down - nothing was important. Him now is all she wanted.

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