03 : Unite

106 11 7

0 3 : U n i t e

+ S t a r t ! +

No need to panic! They're just using it to make me give up!

There's no way someone knew my secret! Or he's a stalker? Nah, it can't be.

+ D a i c h i +

"Now hit some serves, [Last Name]!"


Receiving serves perfectly, Daichi watched your moves.

"He seems to be in a good mood," Daichi commented, emphasizing the word he.

He don't know. Why did Mikado and Himiro exposed to them that Souta's a girl? Do they have a plan for her? Or there is an another reason for that exposure?

And. . .

Why did Souta pretended to be a guy at first?

Does she hate her gender as a girl? Or other?

And why did she panicked a lot when they knew that she's a girl?

Daichi shook his head. Just forget it, he might know a lot sooner.

"Daichi!" Sugawara shouted his friend's name, "You've been spacing out for five minutes. Is something bothering you?"

"No, no. Nothing," the captain smiled, then looked at the direction where Souta was.

Then, he saw Souta is walking towards the jolly Hinata.

+ H i n a t a +

"Ohhh! Kageyama, did you see that!? I'm starting to be good at receiving serves! Yaaay!" I excitedly announce to Kageyama, who seems to be busy drinking water. Geez, why you rude.

"But you suck at serves, shrimp," Tsukishima snickered.

Damn him! Tsukishima's rude! I mean, he got everything everyone wants. Height, high grades. . .

. . .And I'm just here! Stuck in my 161cm height plus my g - grades. . .

. . .Who cares about grades!? I mean, it's important to us since we shouldn't fail the exams or we're not going to any practice with the other schools! Like, Nekoma!

But grades doesn't like me back, giving me low scores, which is kind of disappointing.

After thinking about the oh-so-nonsense grades, I see [Last Name]-san walking towards me.

Having a menacing aura, I started to shiver.

What if, what if he'll kill me like he said earlier!?

I looked at my side, then saw Kageyama again. I said to him as I salute my right hand, "Kageyama, please remember my soul. Thank you."

"What the hell are you talking about, dumbass?" Kageyama shot me a questioning look, and saw [Last Name]. But, he ignored him.

"Oh, there's Almighty-san," Tsukishima smirked.

I stared at [Last Name]'s eyes. Wait.

There's something wrong. . .

His eyes do not have any hatred.

He's embarrassed.

+ × +

He's embarrassed.

I don't know how I figured that out, but I can feel he is nervous.

"Wh - What do you want!? Want a f - fight, mate!?" I posed a fighting pose, and he seemed to be shocked at the moment as he glared at me (which made me jumped backwards), but once softened and turned into embarrassing one. I stutter, "U - Um -" But I stopped when he bowed to me, 90-degrees.

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