00 : [Last Name] Souta

311 12 6

0 0 : [ L a s t N a m e ] S o u t a

+ D i c t i o n a r y +

change : \ˈchānj\

•to become different
•to make (someone/something) different
•to become something else

transitive verb
a : to make different in some particular = alter
b : to make radically different = transform

Synonyms : alter, make over, modify, recast, redo, refashion, remake, remodel, revamp, revise, rework, vary

Antonyms : fix, freeze, set, stabilize

+ I n t r o +

Why society does hates you? Why are you always the target?

Bullying, harrass, bad luck, weaknesses, et cetera. . .They will never stop.

Escaping it was the only choice - to be born again as the opposite of your past self.

But escaping wasn't a good option.

The dark past will chase you until you got caught.

But you have no other choice.

+ × +

[Last Name] Souta.

The familiar name that always stays on everyone's mind. It will never be forgotten, and they will never even try to.

He was enrolled at Karasuno High, and he is in the Class 1 - 5, a college preparatory class.

He is always alone. You would never see him walking around with someone as considered as a 'friend' since he was never that type of person that wants to socialize with others.

One wrong move at him, and you're dead. Months don't end without someone getting horribly injured by him. Bad records everywhere, nice.

He hates people. Especially the volleyball team boys. Oh, he hates the sports that much. But, he hates the players here in Karasuno more. Overall, he hates everyone here in this campus.

He shouldn't have enrolled here. But he does not want to break his promise with them.

Continue reading until the end of this story, and you'll know more and more about his life full of mysteries and twists.

+ S t a r t ! +

Walking through the hallway to your classroom, students blocking your way, you clicked your tongue at them, and they started to give way for you.

"Here he is again, acting almighty."

"Yeah, what a son of a bull."

"He could hear you, you two!"

"His family might abandon him soon, due to that attitude of his."

That last sentence broke a nerve.


Without second thought, you were pinning that guy on the wall, punched his stomach, resulting him to cough out blood due to your amount of force.

Students witnessing that were panicking. Half of the crowd ran away, probably returning to their classrooms, and the other half can't move their bodies and they can't take off their eyes on what's happening.

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