December 20th

718 27 1

Mitch's PoV

I listen for the thud of reindeer
Walking on the roof
as I fall asleep to lullabies
the morning's coming soon
the only gift I'll ever need
Is the joy of family
Oh why? Cause that's christmas to me

It's our last show before Christmas and we're doing That's Christmas to Me as a bonus. I look over to Avi as he's singing his solo and smile. I'm so happy to call him mine. We've been together for three years now and it's just perfect. However, this will be the first Christmas we spend apart from each other. Usually we'd invite our parents over to L.A. or find another solution but this time it just wouldn't work out. Mike, my Dad, has broken his ankle and had to get surgery. He's not able to travel so I'm definitely going home. And Esther just got her little baby girl and they want to spend the holidays together at home in Visalia. So Avi and I decided to be mature about everything. After all we'd have one day together until we'd be parting and we're planning to spend it together, celebrating a little bit for ourselves.

"Wow, the crowd was pumped tonight" Scott comments after we walked off stage.

"Well, Sis, you were pumped as hell, too" I say and pat his back.

"We totally rocked the stage!" Avi raises his hand for a high five towards Scott and takes me into his arms afterwards. We seldom share intimate hugs while we're with the other's because we try to seperate work and love. But now, after this last show I just need it to come down.

"Let's just not go out with the other's, okay? We've only have tonight and tomorrow and I wanna be selfish and lock myself up in our house" I say softly into his ear.

He smiles and nods. "I'm in."

We part and he takes my hand. Scott is already popping a bottle of champagne to celebrate the evening.

"Only one glass and then we'll go, okay?"

We hand out glasses to the five of us and let them clink together, I savour the sweet taste.

"Shall we go out or are y'all headed home?" Scott asks after a while.

"Avi and I are going home. I'm leaving on Tuesday and want to have some time to ourselves, sorry..." I blush slightly.

"Don't worry, Mitchell, I'm out as well, my feet are killing me and I just wanna go home" Kirstie comments.

"I'm leaving town tomorrow already and need to pack, sorry" Kevin also refuses.

"So it's me and the fiancé" Scott giggles. "That could be even better."

I shake my head. Sometimes he's such an adorable dork.

After we've finished our drinks we part, going home. Thankfully tonight's show has been in LA, so we can actually be in our own beds in less then an hour, if we want to.

Once Avi and arrive in our house, we strip down to our boxers and bathrobes and I get a huge glass of wine for myself and a very generous double shot of bourbon for Avi while he sets up the living room, lighting a few candles and a few Christmas decorations. We settle down on the sofa, cuddling up against each other and toast with a smile on our lips, kissing each other softly before each taking a sip of our drinks.

We sit there in silence, because sometimes there's no need for words. We just enjoy the silence and come down from the buzz that being on stage surrounded by thousands of fans gives us.

So, yes, just lounging on the couch cuddled up into a blanket and Avi is the perfect way to end such a day.

"What are you thinking love" Avis whispers breaking the silence after a while.

"How happy I am to have you" I whisper back and smile at him.

He kisses my temple softly. "I am the lucky one!"

"Okay, we're both lucky" I agree, stifling a yawn.

"You tired?"

"Mmhm... a little bit. But that doesn't mean that I'm not up for post-show, pre-holiday sex." I bite my lower lip, because I know that it drives him beyond crazy.

He gulps down his remaining whiskey and takes my already empty wine glass before he lifts me up and carries me over to the bedroom bridal style.

As we arrive there, he lowers me onto the bed and takes care of me in every way possible. It's soft and sweet and he leaves me breathless and exhausted, a good kind of exhausted.

"I love you" I mumble softly as he's spreading the sheets over us and spoons me softy.

"And I love you" he whispers and the soft kiss on my neck is all I feel as I drift away immediately.


A/N: so... What do you think of it up until here? Vote and comment to let me know!

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