Chapter 62

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After looking around in the new house Diego walked up to Clari and hugged her.

- I'm sorry for not being with you lately - he said, kissing her head.

- This is what you have been working on? And this is why you have been barely at home and sleep?

- Yes, that's correct... I hope you aren't mad at me...

- What? Why would I?!

- All I wanted is to make our life easier... With giving Selvaggia a new home, where she can also live her love life... Just as we can - he smiled as he also hugged her gently - Now we can have a peaceful life... Together...

- Yeah, that's right! - she giggled happily as she couldn't help, but kissing him happily on the lips - I'm so glad to hear this!

- Are you?

- Yes! Actually... Having her in the house made me frustrated too... Uh, not like if we wouldn't be getting along at all... But...

- I understand you - Diego smiled - I understand you so no need to try to explain yourself... I know you can't do it anyway! - he added while laughing.

- Shut up! - she laughed too as she hit him on the arm - I've had a fucked up life because of you so of course I want to live peacefully now!

- And you will... I'll make sure of that...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Later when they got home they were alone in the house.

Diego and Selvaggia agreed to have Violetta in their new house for that day so Diego could be alone with Clari.

- Are you really happy now? - he asked - Now that nobody's here to make our relationship harder... Nobody's here to stop us and our love... Nobody's here to hear us...

As he was speaking he slowly walked closer to Clari while took her hand gently, pulling her to the couch...

- I'm indeed happy now... - she replied while letting herself to be lead to the couch - Having you finally all to myself is indeed something really good... To know and feel...

- Indeed... - he smiled as he layed her down and while leaning above her he kissed her lovingly on the lips - Life is going to change for us... To a better way... But it wouldn't have happened without you...

- Without me?

- Yes... - he nodded - Honestly... If you wouldn't have came to the brothel at the time I might have never realized how disturbing and bad the whole business is...

- Really?

- Well... I did know that, but I didn't have streight to get out of it... Until you came... So whoever decided to take you there I have to say... I'm grateful... Because although I still do love Selvaggia too and this is probably never gonna change... You are someone more than special to me... Someone I want to live with for the rest of my life...

He took her hand with a cheeky smirk on his face.

- So if there ever be marriage, or not... Would you like to live the rest of your life with me? - he asked and she couldn't help giggling on this while pulling him into his arms.

- I would love to... - she responded then just kissed him lovingly on the lips.

The two haven't been this happy for a long time and all they wanted to do now was to enjoy the moment and focus on their happy life for the future.

A/N: Well, this is the end.

I hope you enjoyed it!

You might can already see this didn't end up that bad as some butthurt person thought when he/she started to be butthurt when she saw the first chapter...

But you tell me!

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Anyway... Please also check out my other books, if you want :)

Also thank you for 1k+ votes on this story way before it ended!

This is awesome! I didn't have this many votes since my very long Germangie story which makes me even more amazed!

Anyway... Thank you for reading/voting! :)

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