Chapter 2

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Poor Clara Alonso ended up in a hotel room, not knowing where she actually is, or how did she end up there.

All she remembered was that she was doing her usual job then the next moment she was in this unknown place, surrounded with sex toys and everything that she'd never use in a room she had no idea how she got to.

- Why the hell am I here... - she mumbled to herself as she got out of the bed then out of the room to look around.

When she stepped out she found herself in front of a woman that didn't seem too friendly at first at all.

- Please come to the hall - she said to her - I'll tell you everything you need to know there.

And before Clari could ask anything the woman walked away.

Not knowing what else to do she walked to, where the woman told her to go to see and finally find out what is going on.

When she got there around 10-15 other woman with the same age as here were talking and looking just as confused as she was... If not more confused.


- Silence everybody!! - the same woman shouted in the room and everyone grew silent - Okay! Now... You're in a brothel first of all.

- What?!

Everyone were now scared.

It was kind of a harsh start...

- You all will be working here for Mr. Ramos, that's gonna come around soon, but who knows if he shows his face here, or not - she continued - Uhm...

She continued explaining how they're supposed to pleasure rich men in this hotel which made Clari feel extremely disgusted and even more terrified than she already was.

- By the way my name's Selvaggia and if there's anything... I repeat ANYTHING that's a problem, or if any of the customers harrassing you, hurting you tell me right away! Something like that is not needed here.

- Or tell me! - suddenly a deep voice echoed and Diego walked in, right next to Selvaggia - I'll make sure they'll be thrown out and no women will be hurt. Not even you, beautiful - he said, at the end looking at Selvaggia, giving her a kiss before looking back at the girls - Now... If there are no more questions everyone can go back to their rooms for now!

- I'm surprised you're here by the way - said Selvaggia, dragging Clari's attention to them immediately.

- Yes, my father wants to meet up tonight, in the bar so I came home to be here before him. Seems like there'll be a big company celebration thing in a months and they want to come here.

- Ah, great... - Selvaggia groaned.

- Hey, what is it now? - he grinned - You don't like parties?

- I do, but these parties are always have the most annoying people... And your father is such a...

- Disgusting prick? I know, but bear with him... Okay? He's our boss after all...

It was true.

Diego's father was the owner of the hotel which meant both him and Selvaggia were actually working for him and not to themselves.

While the two were talking Diego saw a girl from the corner of his eyes, looking at him which made him a little confused as the new girl would rather be disgusted by him.

This girl looked interested...

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