Chapter 28

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A few days went by in peace as Romeo wasn't coming around too much and the bosses had their work done easy.

Not like Clari.

She felt more and more depressed every day and even though she was lucky to not to have any customer to take care about, thanks to Diego, it made her sad to see Anthony still trying to get her out.

He was offering everything he could, but John, the owner never thought for a moment to accept any offers he has gotten.

But then this wasn't the only thing that bothered Clari so much.

The other thing was that Diego seemed to be trying to get close to her for some weird reasons.

Why did she think that?

Because Diego has always been at any parts of the hotel, where Clari was...

- What are you doing here?! - she gasped when once again she bumped into him at the balcony.

- Came to check if everything's okay here too before I leave - he replied while smiled at her.

- Are you leaving?

- Yes. I'm going to see...

- Violetta, right? - Clari cut him off, a little sadly.

- Uh... Yes, but how did you know?

- I just guessed.

- I mean how do you know about her?

- Selvaggia told me about her...

- I see... And why do you sound sad about this, if you don't have any interest in me at all?

Earlier that week Diego has been trying to get close to Clari, but she clearly told him she isn't interested in having any type of relationship with him at all.

But now...

- Eh? I don't care what you're doing, or what are you having as long as you're still helpful and won't... Let anyone come to me... Apart from Anthony of course...

Diego sighed.

- I promised I'm not gonna let anything to happen to you and I'll still keep that, even if you're not returning my feelings - he said firmly.

- Thank you... - she mumbled with a little smile - I really... Really appreciate it...

- Can I atleast still hope for a night with you? - he asked jokingly to which he recieved a hit on the arm.

By now they were more like... Friends...

Not necessarily friends, but they didn't keep distance in this way.

- Oww! Okay, okay! I get it! - he laughed and soon he headed out.

- Hah... Damnit... Why is he so cute? - she mumbled to herself after making sure Diego did indeed leave - How should I even live life here?!

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