Chapter One -Meeting Mason-

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"Hurry, Lin, Hurry or you will miss the train!!!"
My aunt Gracie called to me, over her shoulder.
I was walking as fast as I could as I pushed my cart of books and suit cases towards the nine and three fourths platform at our local train station.

I was going to Hogwarts, a school for excellency in magic. Part of me was excited, but part of me feared what it would be like.

Finally, I reached the tall brick wall which I would effortlessly pass through to the other side in order to get on the Hogwarts train. Aunt Gracie showered me with hugs and kisses, and asked for the hundredth time if I had everything I needed. I assured her I did, and would be fine, and gave her a warm hug. Aunt Gracie was a plump woman, full of love, and always carried the faint scent of Lavender. She let me go and reminded me again to write to her.

And with that, I crossed through the brick wall to the nine and three fourths platform. I took in the sight of people rushing everywhere, and I realized there was no turning back.

I took a deep breath, took my luggage out of my cart, and boarded the train. The train was crowded, and I had to search desperately for a place to sit. Finally I found three empty seats at the very back of the train.
I sighed and slumped into the window seat, putting my stuff into the empty seat beside me. I felt the train rock slightly as it began to move. The steam engines smoke drifted past the other side of the window and blurred my vision of the slowly disappearing train station. I twirled a piece of my long blonde hair between two fingers, a habit I was trying to break, and leaned my forehead against the cold glass, closed my eyes, and readied myself for the long ride to Hogwarts. I was really going to miss Aunt Gracie and Uncle Michael, I had never left their side for more than a couple days. They had always been very protective over their 'little girl' but now that I turned fifteen it was time for a change.

"Um, May I sit here?" a male voice caused my sky blue eyes to snap open and look around. There to my left, stood a tall, skinny boy, about sixteen years of age.
He had light brown hair with gold highlights and chocolate diamond eyes. He held his luggage awkwardly as he anxiously awaited my reply to his question. I smiled and nodded. His face flooded with relief,
"Thanks, there was nowhere else to sit!" he exclaimed and plopped himself down, setting his luggage on the floor of the train. "I'm Mason Clahorn, what's your name?" he asked politely,
I smiled again, he was actually quite handsome.

"Nice to meet you, Mason, my name is Lin." I answered sweetly, extending my hand for a friendly handshake. He shook my hand and smiled at me, a small dimple appearing on his right cheek. His hand was warm against my cold one.

"So, Lin, where ya from?" he asked, letting go of my hand. He had a slight southern accent which was foreign to me.

"I'm from Boughton, about twenty miles from here." I replied. "What about you?"

"I'm from Hindore, about one hundred miles from here." He answered, truthfully.

My mouth dropped open, "And you came all the way from Horndore to come on this train? You could have easily taken a closer one!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

He shook his head and smiled again, his dimple appearing once more. "I have to take this train; it's the only one going to Hogwarts."

I mentally slapped myself, 'of course!' I thought, 'I knew that.'

"So I'm guessing you're going to Hogwarts since you are on this train too, right?" Mason implored.

I nodded, "This is my first year, what about you?" I hoped I wasn't bothering him with all these questions.

"Ah, I remember what it was like my first year, this will be my fourth year." He told me.

"Great! Any tips or tricks I should know before I jump right into a new school?" I asked him, wide eyed.

He chuckled, "I'm no teacher, but I think you will like it, a girl like you should fit in just fine!" he exclaimed and winked at me.

I was about to ask him exactly what he meant, when a tall boy about sixteen walked up to us. He cleared his throat and smirked at Mason. His hair was so blonde it was almost white, and his dark eyes twinkled with a look of mischief and trouble. I absentmindedly shifted closer to the window, farther away from this boy. Mason must have sensed my uneasiness for he suddenly looked up at the boy staring down at him and chuckled,

Hey, Draco!" he hit the boy playfully with his fist and the boy's face seemed to brighten a bit. I felt relieved a little, just knowing Mason knew this boy. Mason suddenly remembered I was there,
"Lin, this is Draco Malfoy, he is the head boy of the Slitherin house, and Draco, this is Lin, and this is her first year." Mason announced proudly.

I looked at Draco, his eyes were so dark! There was something hidden in them that I couldn't quite figure out. Some kind of emotion he didn't want anyone to see, but it was there, twinkling in his eyes.

"Pleasure." Draco stated shortly. He had a strong accent, and his expression never changed. It was almost as if he was judging me by looking at me. I felt uneasy and Mason noticed.

"Alright Draco, you've done enough to this girls nerves, she's going to have to deal with you the rest of the year, go sit down." Mason teased. He punched Draco playfully and Draco threw up his hands as I sign of surrendering.

"Ok, ok, whatever. I'll see you in the Slitherin house." And with that, Draco walked away and back to his seat at the front of the train.

Mason chuckled and ran his hand through his hair. "And that, is Draco." He sighed. "Don't let him bother you, he wouldn't harm a fly."

"I heard that!" Draco spat over his shoulder.

Mason and I chuckled under our breath. I looked out the window again and observed the small farms flying past us as we moved swiftly past them. I thought about Draco's departing words, 'See you in the Slytherin house.' Mason must be in Slytherin! I was confused so I turned to Mason who was now reading a book.

"Mason, do you like living in Slytherin?" I asked hesitantly. Mason was obviously surprised at this question because his soft brown eyes shot up from his book and searched my face, quizzically.

"I guess it's alright." He shrugged.

"What house will I be put in?" I wondered out loud.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly,
"I forgot this was your first year." He admitted, "Truth is, I don't know. All of the new students will receive their house by the sorting hat. There are four houses, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The hat will be placed on your head and magically determine which house you will stay in based on your personality."
Mason smirked, obviously proud of himself for sounding so smart.

Well, that helped me a little, I thought to myself. Aunt Gracie and Uncle Michael told me they wanted me to have a promising career, and since magic was so popular now, they supposed it would be the best option for me, plus I would be with a lot of kids my age. I had so many questions swarming through my brain, making my head hurt. I wanted to ask Mason some of these, but I understood enough by what he already told me that I would have to wait and see what it would be like first.
I glanced back over to my left at Mason, he continued reading his book. I leaned over slightly and peeked at the cover. 'spells for dummies' it read. I smiled to myself realizing I wouldn't be the only person in Hogwarts that wouldn't know everything. Leaning my forehead against the cool glass window again, I  closed my eyes and let the rocking of the train gently lull me to sleep.

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