"Oh,you haven't seen her again?She was at Ashton's party...her name is Darcy,aka Barbie."

"Barbie?"I said and laughed

"Because of her burned hair and fake boobs?"I continued

"Yeah..she was also Nate's fuck buddy!"Aoutch...

"Fuck buddy?!?!?!"I said and almost spitted my coffee

"Yeah!You didn't really think that Nate was that type of guy?"

"I guess I did...but I didn't expect him having fuck buddies..."

"That's what he's been doing 'till the Senior year of Junior High...seriously!"Double aoutch

"Ohh..."I guess after all I didn't really know Nate...but what was I thinking? He was playing with me! Maybe...maybe he felt nothing for me! I'm such a fool...

"Hey! Earth calls Evaa! Are you okay?" Dave said and looked me in the eyes

"I'm fine!"

"Alright! I was telling you that I'm going to buy coffee? Do you want too?"

"No Dave,I'm fine,thanks!"

"Okay! I'll be back!" He said and showed me those cute dimples of his...!

"Okayy!" I said and laughed! While I was waiting for Dave to come back,I decided to subathe for a while. But someone's shadow was in front of me and I opened my eyes annoyed,to find Nate looking at me.

"What?" I said as cold as ice

"I saw that Dave left you alone and decided to acompany you." He said and sat in the sunbed that was next to me.

"I'm fine all by myself,thank you." I said and closed my eyes again

"Why are you speaking to me like that?"

"Like what?" I said and turned my head to look at him

"Like a bitch. Is something wrong?" So now I am the bitch! Everything is wrong! You idiot!

"No,everything's fine!" I said and fake smiled. He looked at me for a second,guessing if I was telling the truth and thank God Dave came to us with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hello again!" He said and smiled at me

"Hellooo" i said and smiled back,knowing that Dave was looking at me. In your face bastard!

"What are you doing here Nate? Where is Barbie?" He said and sat on the edge of my sunbed

"Barbie...? Oooh you mean Darcy! She's with Ashton and Roy..!" He said and looked at me

"So why you're not there with her?" Dave said and took a sip from his coffee

"I was acompaning Eva because she was alone."

"I'm here now,you can go back to your fuck buddy!" And now Nate was shoked because of what Dave had said in front of me..!

"W-what? Noo! She's not my fuck buddy...anymore..!"

"As you said,anymore..!" Dave looked amused with all of that,but Nate was clearly not and I could understand that from his heavy breathing. Then he stood from his sunbed and headed at the sea. Perfect,now he's going at her...

Let me tell you this; when everyone came outside and sat on their sunbeds,the only voice I could hear was Darcy's. And I hated it!!

"So Barbie,you're staying at my place tonight,right?" And with that ladies and gentlemen,I got choked with my own saliva!

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