Chapter 7: arrest

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Isabella's P.O.V
I walked directly up to Isaac on that Thursday morning, gulped and quickly said "hey, Isaac. How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?" He responded, looking for something in his locker.

"I'm great! Want to go out for dinner tonight?" I said, feeling my heart pound through my chest. He looked at me, raising his eyebrow.

"Are you... Asking me out?" He asked.

"I understand if you don't want too... I just thought maybe we could hang out..."

"I actually have plans tonight. I'm really sorry..." He said, filling his backpack. He didn't seem too sympathetic about it, which made me feel even worse.

"Oh... Okay..." I said, starting to walk away.

"Hey, wait." Isaac said, walking over to me.

"Yeah?" I said, turning around.

"I just want you to know, I didn't turn you down because I don't find you attractive or anything... I turned you down because I am seeing someone tonight."

"Oh..." I said, feeling my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"I'm sorry." He said, walking away, leaving me to my lonesome.

Ashley's P.O.V
Striding down the hallway, carrying four books in my arms, I turned the corner and ran into Isaac, dropping all of my books.

"Oh! Oh my!" I said, giggling slightly. He got down on one knee, grabbing the books and looking up into my eyes. My heart pounded hard in my chest.

Remember... I just met the boy...

"These are yours." He said, his lips turning to a crescent.

"Thank you so much." I responded, biting my lower lip. He stood to his feet and took my hands.

"Miss, would you let me have the honor of escorting you on a date, tomorrow evening at 6:30 to Litchfield, where we can have some hot chocolate from my favorite place in town. I have this spot on the lake that is supposed to be amazing." Isaac said, looking me directly in the eyes.

"I would love that too." I said, smiling brightly.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." He said, walking up the stairs, looking back at me once more before he disappeared.

I think I love it here.

Jerome's P.O.V

I sat in the back of the police car, handcuffed, the red and blue flashing lights illuminating the night. The three officers were all in the house, trying to calm my father.

"What do you mean calm down? My wife is dead! And you guys aren't doing anything to try and find the killer! I know that Jerome wouldn't do anything to hurt my wife like this! He isn't the killer!" My father screamed.

"Sir, we are doing everything in our power to find this person... All we know is that your son was here at the scene... His finger prints are all over your wife... Until we have further evidence, we can't possibly let him be out on the streets." One of the officers said.

"We are terribly sorry for your loss." Another said. I watched as the officers stepped out of the house, shutting the door. Static was being given off by the radio in our driveway until a glitch hit the station.

"death... Is... Near..." I thought the static whispered.

Did it just say...? I thought to myself, two police officers hopped in.

"Did you hear that?" I asked the police.

"What?" The bald one asked.

"The radio... It said death is near! I swear! Listen!"

"Son... The radio isn't even on..." The man said. I looked down at the radio, which illuminated no light. The radio was off.

Am I going insane...? What is going on with me?...

"Son? Have you had anything to drink tonight?" The bald man asked.

"Does water count?" I asked, quivering in my seat.

"Ugh. Another smart mouth. Stay quiet and we will take care of you." The officer said, leaving me to myself.

Maddie's P.O.V

His gruff voice forced me to shake in my footsteps.

"You will get her on my side..." He said, sitting on his black leather seat. His voice was masked by a voice modification that made him sound very dark, evil, like the devil almost.

"I will... But how do I get noticed by her?" I asked.

"Trust me, all you have to do is get with Skylar and you will have her attention." He said, standing. His dark cloak covering his face. His black mask covered his eyes. He revealed his dark blade with the taint of blood shining in the small dim light over head of him.

"How do I get with Skylar?" I asked, looking up at his mask.

"You must figure that out, you are smart. When you do, I will take everything he loves from him. I have taken his friends, his mother and his brother. All I need to do now is kill his father and everything will fall into its place." The man said, turning towards the door. "Get some sleep, Maddie... You have a very busy few days ahead of you. Then I will teach you how to become an "X" He said, leaving the room. This is where I started my journey. I come to seek, kill and destroy. And I won't stop for anything.

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