Chapter 4: Hospital visits and casket times

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Jerome's P.O.V

I sat with Bailey at the local McDonald's, eating a double cheeseburger, every now and then glancing at Bailey. I glanced at her as she caught my gaze.

"What?" She said with a smile.

"Nothing." I responding with a smile and the sipping of my drink.

"No. Tell me." She said, touching my hand. Then my smile faded as I remembered Allison. My phone buzzed in my pocket. As I pulled it out and read the message I instantly looked up at Bailey. "What's wrong?"

"There was a murder... It... It was my brother..." I said, standing up. "We have to get to the old abandoned gas station!"

"Who was the text from?" She asked with a concerned expression as she stood up and dumped her tray.

"I don't know..."

Skylar's P.O.V

I stared into its dark mask and awaited my death. It got down on one knee, getting very close to my face and whispered.

"Welcome to hell." It ripped the blade from my stomach, leaving me with excruciating pain and slashed upwards on my face. I fell backwards, hitting my head on the hard floor, falling unconscious.

*** Two hours later**

I woke up in the back of an ambulance, lying on a hospital bed. I looked at Jerome and Bailey who were standing next to me. They were holding hands.

"Je- Jerome?... Where's... Allison?" I asked, weakly raising my hand to touch their interlocked fingers.

"I uhh..." Jerome said, releasing his grasp on baileys hand. I thought this was weird.

"We need to get him to the E.R quick!" A doctor said, looking through the small carriage in the back and into the front where the driver was.

"How did this happen, Skylar?" Jerome asked, getting down next to my face.

"There... There was something... Someone..." I struggled, swallowing hard, the taste of blood filled my mouth.

"Oh my... He's bleeding internally." The doctor said. We pulled up to the emergency room and four doctors assisted as they pulled me out of the back and wheeled me into the large building. My vision blurred in and out as we rolled down the hall.

"You are going to be okay, skylar." Bailey said, and that was the last thing I heard before I fell unconscious once again.

Jerome's P.O.V

I paced the hospitals waiting room, biting my finger to keep calm. I hadn't told my parents yet and I knew they would flip. My phone buzzed again. I checked to find that Allison texted me: Hey, got a minute? Call me!

I called her, hoping she wouldn't answer, even though she had just sent the text.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey! What do you need?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, just wondering where you are!" She asked.

"I uhh... My brother got stabbed..." I said, running my fingers through my hair.


"Yeah... He said something attacked him... He doesn't know who or what but something attacked him and he is bleeding internally." I explained.

"I'm coming right now!"

"What?" I asked, my face getting pale in nervousness as I looked over at Bailey.

"I'm coming, you need comfort!" She said, hanging up the phone.

"No... Hello?" I asked, looking at the phone, no call.

Oh no...

**fourty five minutes later**

Allison walked into the room, wearing a red shirt skirted dress.

"Hey, I got here as soon as... Hi." She said, turning to Bailey.

"Hi." She responded back.

"Why... Why is she here?" Allison asked, looking at me.

"She was with me when I got the text." I explained.

"Thought you had to study tonight...?" Allison asked, raising an eyebrow and cocking a hip.

"Well... I..." I tried to explain, just as a doctor called.


"Yes, that's me." I said, standing and walking over, thanking God for allowing that to happen. 

"Look. He will be okay, we have contacted your parents and told them of the accident. We don't know who did it, but someone stabbed him. Then I got another text. I pulled my phone back out and found that the number was blocked, the text read: "Better go see him. It's going to be the last time." This brought chills up my neck. "Everything alright, sir?"

"I uhh... Yeah... I'm alright." I said, walking back over to Allison and Bailey, who were both now standing, waiting for me.

"We talked it over and we know what's going on." Allison said, tears filling her eyes. I looked at Bailey, who also looked very depressed.

"You... You saw Bailey while I was at the party... You lied to me..." Allison said, choking tears back.


"Shut up." Allison ordered loudly, interrupting me. "You listen to me for once... I thought you cared about me... I thought we had a great relationship... Then you go and waste almost an entire year on this girl... You ruined your birthday present... I was going to give you a car for college... I paid for it in full... It was going to be a 1997 cherry red mustang... My grandfather had it stowed away for you after we started dating... But now? For our anniversary you can deal with the emotion I'm dealing with... Have fun dealing with your brother..." Allison said, walking out of the waiting room, wiping tears all the way out. Bailey and I were left alone.

"Bailey... I..." I choked.

"No... You are a sleaze bag, a liar, and more so a cheater... And I don't want to be anywhere near that... You can't have it all, Jerome. You just can't." Bailey said, starting to walk out. I grabbed her arm and she turned and smacked me. My face burned at her slap. "Don't. Touch me." She said, leaving. I was left to deal with the emotion myself, just like Allison said. I tucked over and started to cry, feeling my heart shatter into a million pieces.

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