Chapter 30

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Intuition is what speaks the nature of co-creative manifest from our pure intent to us. It is what guides us to be in the right place at the right time and it's listening to and following intuition that help free us up to flow for the rest of our lives. But we have to first learn how to read it and this is tricky because the noise of the five erupting in the back seat will always attempt to drown out our intuitive nature every step of the way.

Levah and I see two pictures within intuition and they're both annoyingly very different and also completely one and the same. The first is intuition in the bigger picture, one's view from the hill all the way to the horizon that represents one's highest potentials, visions, goals and aspirations in life. This is the metaphor I conceived in the Turpentine Inn the day everything changed. The second is intuition in the smaller picture, the scenario which is happening right here and now in the present moment, the one that guides and directs us along the paths we walk as we move towards all we see in the bigger picture.

Before going any further with defining these however, I want us to imagine something first. I want us to visualise that both our intuitive pictures (however they appear to us now) are contained within our timeless sphere of existence. I want us to then imagine that the hill from where we see our bigger picture of our reality is at the centre of our sphere and that we, the nucleus of the present moment are standing on the top of it looking out in all directions at the scenery of our lives. Visualising this way, we're able to bring our remembrance of the present moment fully into our co-creational concept, a place where it absolutely belongs.

Standing here, we must take a moment to observe what is around us and to see and feel our lives as we know them now. See what has been, what is and what is possibly yet to be and know in our hearts that right here and now (no matter how here and now has manifested materially, emotionally or spiritually for us) is precisely where we've chosen to learn and experience what we need to learn and experience in this lifetime. This is an incredibly hard concept to come to terms with and we may of course not choose to or indeed be ready to embrace and live it right now. This is perfectly okay. No one and no thing will ever stand in spiritual judgement of what we decide because our choices have, are and always will be left open for our free will to decide. Whatever your choice though, remember that just by choosing to be here, you've made the biggest and bravest decision of all.

Nonetheless, if we do make the choice, if we choose to start remembering our fullest capacity in being human, we must first be able to sense, to know, to love and to be grateful for all that we are. From this place of gratitude and awareness, we can then slowly start to set in motion the challenge (and challenge it is) of seeing and mindfully moving towards our highest potentials. We thus ignite our choice to consciously evolve towards peace, setting in motion a whole new set of potentials that can shift the very essence of who or what we perceive ourselves and peace to be.

But before we move forward, we must learn how to trust our potentials by remembering how to intend them into being, how to feel and know them in our hearts as truth and be grateful for them in the same way we're grateful for all that which we already perceive. Then, if we so choose, we're ready to start walking towards them with intuition by our sides, to start innately seeing exactly where we need to go, what we need to do and who we need to be as we move along the paths of our lives.

It's important to keep in mind here that although it's intuition within the smaller picture that guides us within the bigger picture in both its initial realisation standing on top of the hill and walking within it, it is intuition, indeed intended wisdom of the bigger picture that allows all this to be so. For if one simply walked within the smaller picture with no intent, trusting their intuition at every turn without a knowledge of what their bigger picture was all about, then humanity as we know it would probably fall apart. Nothing would get done because there'd be no broader concept to keep it all together. This may change in the future as the conceptual natures of who we are and how we do things recalibrates, but for now and for the majority of us alive today, living purely in the intuitive smaller picture doesn't work for our linear minds. Also, presently being creatures of creative need, if we all ran around in the present moment with no conscious knowledge of the bigger picture, then we'd never feel fulfilled.

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