Chapter 1

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Hong Kong

AN:  Edited the story again and again to make it flow. Although I love writing I am a newbie so forgive and mistakes. Finally satisfied with it so just enjoy reading it^^

Finally. After years of dreaming I finally made my wish come true. I would travel across the world to Hong Kong. Everyone in my family thought I was nuts ofcourse why I wanted to go all the way there. Why not somewhere closer to the Netherlands? Well I have one BIG reason . I have been a big fan of a Taiwanese singer, actor, entertainer, etc, SHOW Lo for quite a few years now and I was going to Hong Kong to finally get take a picture with him since he would hold a fanclub meeting there.

Though downside of it all was that I had to fly for like 11 hours. I must remind you that I'm not a real fan of flying. Especially since I travel alone. Not alone in the plane ofcourse hehe....Hmmm. Bad joke.
Anyway here I was in the plane with still like an hour to fly, writing this down in order to get rid of my anxiety. I hate flying. I sure hope SHOW knows how much I had to sacrifice to see him. Including my mental health.
The fanclub meeting will be held in 3 days time so I can get used to the time difference. And do a little exploring so I won't get lost when the day is there. I just wish some of my friends could go too but they all had busy schedules. It will be alright I kept saying to myself. I have been alone before. I'll be fine....I hope. Stupid anxiety making me doubt myself and I felt myself frowning.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. We will be landing in 30 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts. Cabin crew please be seated and fasten your seatbelts" I suddenly heard the pilot say. I looked up suprised. I hadn't noticed that all my blubbering had taken about 30 minutes. Well all the better. I wanted to put my feet firmly on the ground again after half a day of flying.

Next time: Sleeping time..or wait what?

Triangle (On Hold) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon