Fluffy 2.0

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Ok so recently wattpad has been getting glitches where chp dont update correctly and that happend with V 1.0 of fluffy so i reposted it here on Fluffy 2.0 so injoy the photo and read on my lil werewolves!

???'s P.O.V

Running running and more running is all I did for 2 HOURS. My stomach was aching and my feet hurt from running for so long, but i wasn't gonna let my biggums die in my arms, we finally comming up to the stone path to Seto's palace but when we reached the front step we weren't greeted by seto but by someone named Starleen, of course I didn't trust her but I needed to know where seto was because Mitch was bleeding out from being beat up by some mercenary that tried to kill him at our palace.

Hii'mlookingforsetosorosorcererhaveyouseenhim. I said really fast because i was freaking out, but i was confused too.

{ if you dont want spoilers read only the bold letters For those who don't understand Seto can understand ??? (Jerome) Clearly because he's used to people speeking very quicly to him in emergencys} no more spoilers

Wow wow wow calm down what did you say? Starleen asked me

I said hi i'm looking for seto soro sorcerer have you seen him? I said repeating myself a bit slower this time so she could understand

Well i don't know where seto is but i have a good place for you to rest while we wait, you see i'm a Templar i'm looking for seto to ask him if he could find my son's brother Syler, Tyler has been looking for him for a while and i think king lox wants his brother back. She said explaining why she was here but 1 thought went through my head "why would Ty work with a Templar?" He hates them like all of us do.

Well i'm sorry but i'll wait inside for seto thanks. I turned to leave when i felt something prick my neck as i start falling towards the ground


That was the last thought i had before i fell face first on the stone path of seto's palace dropping my Biggums on the cold stone ground as i blacked out from whatever she drugged me with.

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