Chapter 24

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Elsa's POV


So I was just spending the evening at the park, alone unfortunately. I remember Jack used to come with me here. I missed his presence.

Without realising it, it was already dark. Oh crud, I promised to come home sooner! Now I'm thinking it was a stupid idea to walk here instead of driving. And I'm also feeling stupid for going to this park instead of the one near my neighborhood.

I quickly got out of there and started walking home. I didn't bring any money so I can't do much. I quickened my pace as it got late.

Then I remembered that there was a shorter route home, but I never walked on Moon Street at night. I only used it in daytime, accompanied by someone too. However by taking this street, I can get home faster than the usual way.  I didn't want my family to be worried. And since I forgot to bring my phone, it'll be even worse!

And so I turned to Moon Street. It might be a mistake but I'm in a rush! Moon Street had no lights, who knows when it'll have lights.

Stay calm Elsa, I told myself. It's just another... Ordinary street, just with no lights! Did I forget to mention that I have a fear of the dark? I was always scared of the dark when I was little and I haven't exactly gotten over the fear. Come on Elsa, you'll quickly walk to the end of the street in no time. Just steady paces...

I was horribly shaking. I told myself to walk forward as I was running out of time but my legs were stuck to the ground like glue. It's just a street, just a street. You've walked on this street before, just, it was brighter when you walked on it!

And with that, I tried to walk as fast as possible. I was breathing heavily, scared to death! Just a small sound frightened the life out of me. I wanted to scream when I heard it but I kept quiet.

Suddenly, I saw a... Lantern? What's a lantern doing over here? Well it most certainly gave a little bit of light to the dark street. It was on a wooden box. I walked towards it and looked around, doesn't look like anyone else is here. I wonder if I could take it?

I didn't care, I just wanted to get home now. And with that, I took the lantern and got going. Come on, come on, how long more of this street?!

A sudden crash startled me. Oh, it was only a box falling down. But I was frightened enough already, I made a dash for it. Until I tripped on something.

"Hello there..." I heard a voice.

"He-Hello? Is someone th-there?" I stammered.

"What are you doing here, little lady?" The voice asked.

"Who are you? Where are you?" I asked, trying to peek into the dark.

"You've made a big mistake..." After that, I could hear footsteps. No, it sounded more than a person's footsteps. I was really really afraid, what if this person I'm talking to is...?

Suddenly, I was being carried up, in a very rough way. "Hey! Let me go!"  I yelled, hitting the man carrying me.

"Big mistake coming to this street." A buff man appeared.

"HELP!!!!!" I screamed, but the man covered my mouth, muffling my screams. This might not be my worst nightmare, but it is one of them.

I slapped and kicked his face, freeing me in the process. Just before I managed to run, another guy came out of nowhere, stopping me. "HELP!!!"  I yelled again, wanting to run away.

"Shut up!" He slapped me.

"HEY! Let her go!" Another voice came from behind. I swear I know that voice, but my mind is a total mess right now to recognize it.

"Look what the cat dragged in." The man behind me said.

After that, I heard a lot of punching going on. I was already panic stricken, I ran for my life.

Soon, I ended up at the other side of the street. But I didn't stop, I just kept running, in fear of the men that might be chasing me. I didn't dare to look back at all. I was out of breath, but I didn't want to stop.

A loud horn stopped me in my tracks. I turned around, it was a truck, headed towards me.

Jack's POV

So I was just wandering around and suddenly I heard a scream of help. I swear I know that voice, I just can't pin it. Well, it was a girl's voice for sure, and it was coming from Moon Street. Oh gosh, everyone fears Moon Street, only when at night though. Cause they say that's where gangsters hide at night. Even though the police have patrolled that street many times at night, it doesn't stop the gangsters from being there.

I snapped out for my thoughts and ran into the street. I hope whoever that screamed just now is all right. A light caught my eye, I ran even faster to it.

"HELP!!!" The voice screamed again. It's awfully familiar, do I know this person? I wondered.

Until I ran to it, I still couldn't see very well. But it's definitely a girl, I can see her hair, but a lot of men are in the way.

"Shut up!" I heard, followed by a slap.

"HEY! Let her go!" I shouted.

That could have been the biggest mistake of my life, but I can't just stand there doing nothing!

"Look what the cat dragged in." One of them turned to me and punched me. It hurt, a lot. Here is seriously when me learning martial arts pays off. I never thought I would have needed to use it, but looks like it's time.

"Shouldn't have come here, kid." The man said. I punched the man back first, then his buddies came along. One of them was a total idiot, missed me and punched the other person instead. I aimed a kick at his stomach and threw a box at the rest of them.

To be honest, I didn't think I'd knock them all out with the box. But I did! Wow, I said in my mind. They weren't too bad, they just didn't expect much from a kid like me.
I looked around, the girl was gone. I didn't waste any time, I ran after her, I do hope she's ok.

The end of the street, finally! I looked for the girl, still nowhere to be found. I continued running until a loud horn attracted my attention. The sound of the horn kept going on. Oh no...

And that's when I saw her, Elsa. Woah, she's the one just now? She was completely frozen.

"Elsa!" I yelled. She didn't respond, I think she's too shocked. I didn't care, I ran straight to her and pushed her away as hard as I could. Before I could run, that truck crashed into me.






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