If there was some way that we could make it seem like her father knew she was living with us then maybe we could pull of a custody battle. Maybe I could keep my best friend. After all, she is 17. She can live on her own with parental approval in this state. If we can make it seem like her father knew already and make it seem like Sammy was responcible enough to take care of her... maybe... just maybe it could work. 

Ideas fill my head and I soak them up pulling them apart one by one. It feels like I've been thinking for hours but I know it's only been minutes. I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. My mind racing, blood pumping incredibly fast through my body, my heart beating, pumping it faster than my body can handle. 

I shake my head and look down at Ansley again. Her head is buried in my shirt as her breathing is calming and her sobbing is starting to relent. Sammy is coaxing Ansley as she rubs her arms and back. I look around and suddenly realize the depth of the situation. I know what I have to do and it's our only shot.

"Sammy." I blurt out with out thinking.

"This is going to be a big mess," I say as I look around, "We have to cover everything up. You're 18, legally you can be Ansley's legal guardian, right," I say as I hopelessly try to gather ideas, "-and if we want Ansley to stay with us any longer, we are gonna have to make it seem like Ansley's dad knew she was living with you."

 Sammy agrees, "But how?"

 "We put a "letter" in her dads truck before we leave pretending to reply to one of his letters he sent you. We'll have to forge another one to you when we get home. It's our only chance. You know that."

Ideas begin to pop into my mind one after another again until finally, I feel that I have the perfect plan. It is a long shot, but what can it hurt to at least try?

 We help Ansley out into the parking lot and into the back seat of the car. She hasn't said a word yet. I'm worried about her but right now I'm also more worried about losing her. Sammy digs for a piece of paper out of a notebook in the car and bares against the car hood. She starts to write a letter from us to Ansley's father about how we are thankful for his cooperation in allowing Ansley to stay with us. She continues on to say that the extra money he offered us last week wasn't necassary and that we had plenty of income for the three of us. Finally, she stops writing and looks down at her forged note. She signs it then neatly folds it half. I jump out of the passenger and run to his truck and slide it through the cracked window into the passenger seat then jump back into the car.

We quickly pull away. I look in the back at Ansley. She's cradling her face in her hands and she's laid out across the back seat. Her bodies convulsing from silent sobs. I want so bad to hold her but I know there is nothing I can say or do to comfort her. 

We pull into the yard and park and help Ansley into the house. I run up stairs and find her a clean pair of clothes to wear. Sammy helps her change. I hate to see my best friend look so helpless. I would rather it be me who was hurt than her. We help her onto the couch and lay her down.

"Get some rest." I whisper, "You're gonna need it."

Sammy sit's on the couch beside her and I walk off into the kitchen. I rummage through the drawers and pull out a piece of paper. I write in a really sloppy hand writing about how Ansley is better off with me and Sammy and forge her dads name. I remember what his writing looks like because of his license I found earlier in his room. I suddenly regret not bringing that with me to the hotel. It will look really bad if the police find his wallet here.

 I reread my letter and half frown at it. It doesn't feel like it's good enough. I hope this works. It should though. It's a small town police department. They won't drag the big guys in because everyone in town would be mad. I feel mildly clever to devise a plan like this is such short time. I don't want to get to cocky though. We aren't out of the blue yet and we won't be for a while.

 I look over at Ansley whose sound asleep on the couch. Her arms are bruised and beaten but luckily nothing on her face that can't be covered up with make up. The bruising will look suspicious when the police show. They will come too. Maybe later today, maybe tomorrow, but they will come.

"She still hasn't said a word," Sammy breaks the silence, "has she?"

"No." I shake my head.

Sammy stands up and looks down at Ansley. She shakes her head and grabs a blanket off the seat beside her then covers Ansley. She carefully and gently tucks the blanket in around her to trap in the warmth. She rubs Ansley's army softly then walks into the kitchen with me.

"I wish we could have stopped it." Sammy hits the kitchen table with her hand, "We should have been there. How did we let this happen? We should have heard him come into the house, Gracie!"

I nod my head and then shake it, "We tried. We can't beat ourselves up over it. Neither can she. What had to happen, happened."

 Sammy looks at me, "How do you do that?"

 "Do what?"

 "Act so positive," Sammy replies, "like everything is going to be okay."

 "Because it is," I say, "It always ends okay. We'll get through this."

"How can you be so sure?"

I frown, "I'm not. I never am, but if something bad was going to happen to me, it would have already happened. Just like if something bad was going to happen to you or Ans, God would have already done something."

She shakes her head as if she doesn't agree with my philosophy but she doesn't argue. Not that it would do her any good to argue anyways.

 I walk over to the rocking chair and sit down. Ansley looks so peaceful. I know she's hurting, and I know she's ashamed but she'll be okay. Everything will be okay.

 I close my eyes and let my mind wander. There's so many things that were going to have to face. I know I'm acting tough for Sammy and Ansley but, this is real. This isn't going to be a walk in the park. Still, I just know that everything will be okay.



I look over at my two best friends. Ansley is finally asleep. Gracie is sitting outside on the front porch steps. It's been quite a day. I'm  scared of what's going to happen next. No, terrified. I don't want to lose either of them. We came so close to losing Ansley today. I couldn't even imagine what I would have done. I can't imagine losing either of them.

I can't seem to understand why Gracie can be so positive. What is positive about any of this? Why does she get to feel so positive about everything? I feel so angry. I'm so mad at Gracie for being so optimistic. There's no reason to be. Who's to say the police won't come in right now and take Ansley away?

I sit my glass of water down and walk up the stair case and into my bedroom. I wonder if Ansley will ever talk again. I don't know how she managed to do it. I don't know that I could have. Ansley must be damaged beyond repair. She's been through so much. I'm scared I'll never see her smile again. I'm scared she'll never speak a word again. I'm scared that even though she's safe and alive, that I've lost her anyways. Mentaly, literally and maybe even physically. 

 Why did her dad have to be so stupid?! I pace back in forth in my room at the thought of he father beating her. I can feel the anger flushing my face. He's ruined everything. I rear my fist back and slam it into the wall. I feel the sheet rock wall collapse under my fist as it crumbles and piece fall to the floor. I look back at my blood red knuckles and shake my head.

Calm down, Sammy. I'm losing my cool. I have to get a grip. Calm down, Sam. I sit down on the bed and put my head in my hands and breathe in slowly.

Somewhere in my heart I know that she didn't do it to save herself. She did it to save Gracie and I. If we had lost her, that would have been the end of us too. She was only strong because she knew we needed her and she needed us.

I wish I knew what she was thinking though. Then again, I think that might be a little too personal for even me to handle. I shrug it off. At least she's safe. That's all I could ever ask for. I know that no matter what happens, she will be safe now. I just hope that it's with me and Gracie. She needs us but mostly we need her.

There's a knock at the door. My heart skips a beat as I hesitate to move. I know that it's the police. I walk down the stares and over to the door and open it as Gracie stands up and wakes Ansley. I just keep telling myself to act normal. Just act normal.

In The Eyes of Gracie - Unedited Version - Being RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now