Part 2

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Okay dont hate me but I've been so busy lately, my cousins been in hospital, I've had exams, I was ill for a week and generally being my lazy self, but I've got some time so I want to thank everyone who has read so far and hopefully I will be able to update more regularly now with the holidays appoaching.


"Hello?" a familar, warm voice answered after the third ring.

"Hi, do you know anything about where the boys are? I've called them all and no-ones responding, I'm starting to get worried"

"Oh Vanessa, it's you! Errm yeah, they're here, didn't Tris tell you he was coming to ours first?" sounding confused.

I felt a pang in the pit of my stomach, why would he not tell me he's going to his parents? "Actually no he didn't, could I speak to him please?"

"Sure, let me just get him, bye V" I heard her shout for Tris and some shuffling.

"Oh hey Ness" I still get butterflies when he calls me that, his own nickname for me and no-one else can call me it.

"Oh hey Tris" slightly mocking his tone "nice of you to let me know where you are" I said in a joking manner with some annoyance thrown in.

"Yeah sorry about that, I'll be home in 10 I'm just leaving now" and with that the line went dead, why is he so off with me lately, I haven't seen him in 3 months and he's acting like I've really pissed him off.

It's just because he's tired I tried to make myself believe, the hope inside me of dying every second.


The familiar jingle of keys in our front door excited me as I leapt off the sofa and leant forwards over the kitchen counter, admiring the dining table I'd spent the best part of an hour laying. As Tristan walked through the door his eyes scanned the living room. I cleared my throat and his head jolted towards my direction, as soon as our eyes met he made his way over. He wrapped his arms around my body and held me so tight I thought he might have cracked some of my ribs. It felt so good after so long. So good. The familiar scent of him flooded my nostrils, the warm feeling welling up inside as my smile grew until my cheeks began to hurt. We finally released from our embrace. My smile dropped when I noticed the tears filling his eyes. They weren't tears of happiness, they were sad tears, almost guilty regretful tears.

"What's wrong T?" I stepped towards him, going in for a hug, his arms flopped onto my back, hardly a hug. He held my shoulders and moved me backwards. The tears were now flowing down his cheeks, how did he still look perfect crying? I felt a sting in my eyes as the tears that were forming, were threatening to escape my green eyes. He looked away as he wiped his damp cheeks, his eyes finding mine as he spoke the words that would haunt me forever.

"I'm sorry Nessie, it's over"

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