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3rd person pov
Amy Amy Amy her mom called. Yes she shouted back, sorry just wanted to make sure you were awake.
Amy's pov

As I walk through the hallways I here a bunch of people saying OMG OMG ITS CHANDLER RIGGS!!! As I see him you can clearly tell he does not want any attention around him. While everyone is yelling can you take a selfi he quickly responds no thank you. You could barely hear him.


This is why I hate moving schools everyone wants to take a picture with me or wants me to sign there paper blah blah blah I was actually forced to audition for the role that made me famous. I had to move here because we will be filming here for the whole next 3 seasons YAY! Not really.


Amy Kirby and Chandler Riggs please come to their front office. I wonder why I have to go to the office? When we get there I see Chandler he looks so scared!? Then a lady walks out okay so Amy you are the only one in the grade that has the same classes as Chandler so you will be his guide for the next 3 dayes. Okay I say thank you when we were walking Chandler was very quiet all he did was look at the floor. Hello my name is Amy this is our first block science. We walk in and he goes straight for a desk in the very back corner. Hello Chandler the teacher says. Come up here and tell us some stuff about yourself. He looks so scared then he slowly gets up walking to the front of the class just starting at the floor. Um I-I-I like to play video games for fun and that's about it he then quickly hurried back to his seat the whole class when no it's not tell us more. There is something about him I gonna find out

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