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I got a call from Amy and she said Chandler could leave the hospital today and could I pick them up. When I got there Amy and Chandler were talking I asked him could he talk he said yes in a very quiet whisper. There were police everywhere and they had a body bag in a ambulance? They asked me were Chandler Riggs was Amy pointed to him then police officer said may I have a moment with him.


We were walking to go inside when a office asked were I was and wants to talk to me? We walked to the side of my house Andrew told them I could barley talk so he said son I'm very sorry to say this but your mom is dead! I looked through the window to see a pool of blood and that's when I broke down! Then Amy and Andrew came up to me Amy was trying to calm my down while Andrew picked me up and got me away from the window.


The officer told me what happened and I could take Chandler in or put him up for adoption. I quickly replied I will take him I had to sign a bunch of papers when I saw Chandler look through the window and break down into tears me and Amy ran up to him he kept looking through the window while Amy was trying to calm him down I picked him up and carried him away from the window.


Me and Andrew were trying to calm Chandler down but he wouldn't calm down he was breathing way to fast for his body to handle seance he just got out of the hospital me and Andrew kept saying calm down calm down its gonna be fine he finally cried himself to sleep

Stay with me (Chandler Riggs ff)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें