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            ANDREWS POV

      I walk into the room and see Chandler covered in bruises cuts stiches you name it and a rope imprint around his neck it was heart breaking. I heard the random girl start crying, Maggie and Beth. I just started in shock. So did Glen and Darrel. I sat by his bed and the girl or Amy sat on the opposite end and everyone else sat on the floor and the couch. When he started to wake up I said hey bud how you doing he tried to reply but I told him not to because it will hurt him more then he started crying? Then everyone was standing around him I guess they got the hint and left me and him alone


       Chandler just started crying so we left so Andrew could ask why and me and Glen were talking we are real worried about him I mean you can tell he is under weight but why would someone do this to him when he woke up you could see the pain in his eyes it was terrible.


            I wanted to tell them what happend but I can't talk it will make it worst I just started crying and I wrote down what happen them Andrew looked up with tears in  his eyes. This all happened I shake my head yes I hurt so bad from the whip he asked is it okay if I show it to the cast his voice getting fuzzy with black dots in my vision I remember giving him a thumbs up then it was black

             ANDREWS POV

                  He gave me a thumbs up then passed out so I put the note in my pocket I said to myself I will show this to them later I asked the nurse was that normal for people that went through what he did she said yes because it was because he needs rest so his body is making him. The cast has already went into the room they asked if I knew anything I said yes I got the note out and  read it they note says
When I got kidnapped the guy asked me questions and I couldn't answer them truthfully and he tortured me by putting needles inside my arms shooting me with a bow and arrow whipping me on my back the cutting me punching me and then when the police showed up I screamed to let them know were I was then he tried to strangle me then I blacked out I woke up in this room
  Almost everyone was crying and looking at Chandler he looked like he was in so much pain even though he was asleep.

         AMY'S POV 

                 When we first got there it was bad he looked so fragile and weak when we got to the hospital the whole walking dead cast was there

Stay with me (Chandler Riggs ff)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें