Your Nickname

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Steve: Miss America
You are the light of his life and he thinks you're more beautiful everyday. He loves you as his daughter and thinks you should be crowned Miss America.

Bucky: Angel
Bucky thinks you are an Angel. He loves everything about you and you remind him that there is still good in him.

Sam: Lil Wing
Sam is always saying how when you grow up you will be an awesome flyer. He thinks you should train now, but Maria says otherwise.

Tony: Munchkin
Tony loves how tiny you are. He wants you to stay that size forever. He also thinks he's as cool as Jessie off of Full House.

Natasha: Princess
Natasha thinks you'll rule the world. Honestly, with your mother as world's most badass chick, who can blame her? But before your queen you must be a princess.

Clint: Squirt
Clint thinks he's hilarious. He nicknamed you that as a joke but it stuck. Funny thing is, that might have actually been your original name!

Bruce: Joy
Bruce thinks you are just joy. Your smile brightens the whole room. You are the only one who seems to be able to calm Hulk. You also are a complete joy to have around.

Pietro: красивая (Beautiful)
Pietro thinks you are the definition of beauty. He loves how much you remind him of his sister. He thinks you are the best thing that has ever happened to him.

Wanda: Gem
Wanda thinks you are a gem. She thinks you are beautiful in every single way and you deserve the best. She thinks you are more beautiful than any ruby or pearl.

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