I opened my eyes, not even realising I had shut them and saw we were on the road. I gave a 'wahoo' of delight and Justin laughed with me. "My car probably has a dent" He groaned again, and this time I understood his groans. 

          I laughed. "Scooters credit card can pay for the repairs" I joked which he laughed too. 

          Justin pulled onto the motorway and I knew exactly where we were heading. The airport. "Can I know the plan now?" He asked with a smile.

          "I was going to kidnap you, check, make a great escape with your car, check. Then I thought we could phone the police about our mums being held hostage, and while Scooter gets put in prision, we start a new life abroad." Justin thought it through. "Hooray!" I joked again, trying to keep the atmosphere light. 

          "I guess that could work..." Justin trailed off. "But what happens if Scooter doesn't get jailed?" 

          "He'll have to let them free while the police arrive, and when they've escaped, we can send them Scooter's credit card". I explained, but Justin still looked confused. "Don't you get it? They can use Scooter's money to get a flight to where we choose and they can live with us abroad." I concluded and a great smile spread across his lips. 

          "That's perfect Charlotte!" He exclaimed happily.

          "So where's our destination going to be?" He said with a smile.

          "How about somewhere really far away. Like Australia." I thought and Justin nodded.

          "Anything to make you happy." He smiled.


          When we got to the airport, I quickly ran to a phone box and told them about mine and Justin's mums being held hostage. I didn't tell them who I was, hence why I phoned off a phone box and Justin and I went inside the airport with no clothes but a credit card, the passports Justin had kept since last time and our mobiles. Although, the first thing I told Justin to do was to throw away our phones. They obviously tracked Justin's or something last time. Then, I paid for our flight tickets and bought two more for a flight to Australia in a weeks departure. We knew what time it would get at the Australian airport, so after a week of finding a place and settling in, we could pick our mums up. So before getting on our flight, we had to go back out of the airport to post the tickets back to Pattie. 

          Now, we were sitting on the plane and waiting nervously before heading off. 

          "Do you think we thought everything out?" I said nervously, feeling the pressure as it was my damn idea. If this all went wrong, it would be all my fault. God had to be on our side though, all we wanted was to spend the rest of our lives together. What other eighteen year olds want that?

          Justin smiled at me, his hand cupping my face and his thumb brushing my cheek. His eyes glistened with happiness and love, but I could tell he was just as worried as I. "I think your plan was perfect. Thank you for setting me free from all the fame." He said with a bright smile. "Now we can have our happily ever after." And then he lent in, his full, supple, pink lips came closer to mine and soon they were pressed firmly on mine. Tingles shot through my body at his touch, the tingles reaching the ends of my toes. A smile crept on to my lips, making him smile in the kiss, too. 

          "Becca!" Some girl shouted, breaking us apart immediately. "Pattie was held hostage!" The girl shouted and my eyes popped open.

          "Megan, you've got to be kidding me." The other girl replied, obviously both of them hard core fans.

          "Nope! Pattie was being held hostage by Scooter. Apparently." She said, as we watched the other girl, whom to be named Becca, eyes popped out and mouth hung open in shock. "I know! This anonymous caller called the police and when they went there, Pattie and her friend were handcuffed to their beds!" The first girl, Megan shouted.

          "Well whats happening to the kidnappers?" Becca said, who at that point I wanted to kiss for saying such a brilliant question.

          "Scooter has been put in jail for questioning along with some other people." 

          And just like that, I believed I really had my happily ever after. We had done it. Scooter was in for questioning, Pattie and my mum was set free, and Justin was finally out of the public's eye. 

          "Megan! Sit down." He mother huffed. "I'm sure the whole plane doesn't want to hear Justin Bieber's life story. All I hear is you going on and on about him. Give it a break." The stressed mother sighed, sitting down and to carry on scolding her daughter quietly. 

          I turned to Justin and smiled, which he gladly returned. We sat there smiling for a little while, until a couple tears of happiness and relief rolled down my cheeks.

We really had done it.

Only You Shawty. A Justin Bieber Romance.Where stories live. Discover now