Chapter 2: The Incident in the Garden

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You love gardening. Your favorite things to plant are flowers, but since you live in the desert, they usually don't survive. The only plant that survives the whole year are your daisies. This is a disappointment to you because you have many nightmares about daisies, so they make you feel very uncomfortable. You notice that the same thing happens to your neighbor Wolfgang. He doesn't even plant anything, they just show up. When he gets rid of them, they always come back the next day. You know when they have grown back when you hear Wolfgang yell "MOTHERFUCKING GOD DAMNED FUCKING GOVERNMENT GROWIN THESE FUCKING FLOWERS IN ME YARD! ILL GET YOU GOVERNMENT!!" You hate it when he curses, and he does it a lot.
     One day your were watering your plants with the sweat from your hands (you heard it's the key to a successful garden to use sweat from your hands), when you notice something very peculiar. You pick up a piece of dirt stained paper off the ground. It says:
Dear Richard,
The moths are coming for you my dear
They have the hands
They have no mercy
They will tear you limb to limb
Preparations for this attack are mandatory.
Hurry dear
A couple of my friends are coming to your home to help out
I believe you will find them very useful
Hope you like visitors.
Your unknown source of life
P.S. Thousands of baby hands are going to erupt from your garden creating a barrier that will keep the moths away for a bit.
Your welcome dickhead
Directly after you read the letter from the unknown source, an eruption of blood and baby hands exert from the ground of your garden. You are very disappointed about this because it has made such a big mess of your garden. You are very displeased with the unknown source, but you know they are trying to help. What really makes you wonder is why the moths coming is such a bad thing. You love moths and you think they'd be excellent guests, but you don't want to question your unknown source. They are basically your parent sort of. They have taken care of you since birth, but you have never heard or seen them and have only gotten two other letters from them. Suddenly you feel someone behind you. You turn and see Wolfgang. He is looking blankly at the mess on the ground. When he looks up at you he say,"Tell your unknown source to fuck off. They keep sending me letters with one pinky finger from a baby. I've gotten like 6 of them and I have no idea what they mean." He then walks away and you notice his blood stained pocket with a few tip of the pinkies sticking out.

     You lay down in your fluffy queen sized bed. You look up at your ceiling and wonder about the letter you received that day. It must've been really important if the unknown source sent it to you. You start to wonder about other things like "who are the moths?" And "I wonder what Wolfgang thinks about before he goes to sleep?" You then drift to sleep with many unanswered questions in you head.

Sleep my dear for the guests are arriving very soon.....

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