Chapter 1: A Small Introduction about yourself.

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     Your name is Richard, but your friends like to call you Ricky. At least you think they would call you that. It sounds a lot more fitting to you than Dick or Rich. You sadly don't have any friends to call you Ricky, so you call yourself Ricky. You live in a town called Forest Bluffs, which is ironically in the middle of the desert. The population of Forest Bluffs is 2 people, you and your peculiar neighbor Wolfgang Lowers. Wolfgang is a very interesting fellow. He has big, dark, frizzy hair, tan skin and has a very weird accent. It sounds kind of like a mixture between Australian and German. Wolfgang is usually paranoid about the government watching him or something like that. You usually stop listening to his long explanations about his theories halfway through them. Enough about Wolfgang, this story is about you not him, but he may become important in your story later on.

       You have numerous hobbies and collections. Your favorite hobby is insect taxidermy, but you aren't sure why or how you learned to do it. You aren't sure about many things. Your favorite winged insect to taxidermy are moths. You love their textures, patterns, faces, everything. You receive a wide variety of moths from an unknown source. You also receive most of your belongings and necessities for this unknown source. You don't like to question things, so you don't think much about it. Another hobby you have is drawing. When you draw you don't think, you just let your hand do what it wants. You pictures usually contain images from horrific vivid nightmares you have. You enjoy them thoroughly and hang them on your wall. Your favorite one is the one where your eyeballs are out of their sockets and a horde of praying mantises are watching as you are being force fed an orange by a toenail. You have a wide variety of collections. You have a fetus collection, teeth, ladybugs, strands of hair you've found in your house that aren't yours, and owl pellets. You would love to show off your impressive collections, but Wolfgang is the only one who occasionally sees them and he usually tells you it's a sign that the government knows the aliens are coming. You believe in aliens but you don't believe in the government. How in the world could there such an organization as this so called government. I mean come on, think about how unlikely there is to be a government. Wolfgang believes in a lot of things you don't believe in.

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