The Start of Something New

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"Chre-santo! Chre-santo! Chre-santo!" The unrecognizable voices chanted.

"No, no not today!" I cried as I ran down the street. I ended up in the woods and I leaned against an old oak tree. I exhaled and wiped my hand across my forehead. I got up to leave again but I was met with his face and a devious grin.

"Chre-santo! Chre-santo! Chre-santo!"

I got up and bolted again heading in the opposite direction. But I stopped when he popped up Infront of me again. I frantically turned away again and headed into another direction.

"Chre-santo! Chre-santo! Chre-santo!"

I made it a few yards away until a strong force knocked me over. I struggled to get up but Chresanto appeared onto of me and held me down. After he finished having his way with me he got up and fixed his toga.

"You are my wife, Robyn. Do you understand me? You were chosen and if you let any man of Earth touch you I will kill him!" Chresanto warned me before disappearing into thin air.

"Chre-santo! Chre-santo! Chre-santo!"

Feeling pain shoot through my lower body region, I slowly rose up from my current position, and limped to the conveniently placed brook that was a few feet ahead of me. When I arrived at the brook I spread my legs open and vigorously washed myself as burning hot tears strolled down my cheeks. My body shook as I wept. When I finally finished washing myself off I got up and limped home.


"Mommy is that you?" My nine year old daughter Carson called as she trudged down the stairs.

"Yes honey, I'm home." I croaked twisting all the locks on the door.

"Mommy have you been crying again?" Carson asked me. She made her way over to me and started wiping my tears away.

"What did I tell you about crying?" Carson quizzed while she dragged me over to our small couch.

"Don't worry love, these are happy tears!" I said trying to make her feel better.

"No they aren't why are you lying?" Carson muttered in unbelief.

"Yes they are love, trust me!" I stated with more enthusiasm.

"Promise?" Carson stuck out her tiny pinky finger.

"Promise." I smiled as I joined my pinky with hers.

Truth be told I was far from happy. This has been going on for years now. I don't know what I did to deserve this.

*15 years ago*

"Robyn do me a favor. Can you run to the supermarket and pick up some milk and eggs?" My mother asked me.

"But the supermarket is like twenty minutes away by foot Mom!" I whined not wanting to go especially in the dark.

"Oh please go Rob, I really need those ingredients for your father's cake. And plus if you just cut through the woods the store is on the other side." My mother persuaded me. Highly annoyed, I grabbed my phone and shoes and went out the door. About a quarter into my journey I stopped in the middle of the woods.

"Hello." A deep voice bellowed from an unknown destination.

"Who is there?" I frantically looked around trying to see somebody but failed. I then ran like a chicken with no head around the woods twisting and dodging trees.

"Chre-santo! Chre-santo! Chre-santo!"

"You can't escape me." The voice shouted blowing my eardrums. I cowered down and backed up into a tree. I buried my head into my

face hoping that whatever it was would leave. I looked up in hopes that whatever it was was gone.That was a big mistake on my behalf. I was greeted with a large swarm of tiny white lights. The light then turned into a man.

"Why are you trying to hide from me?" The man hissed at me.

"I don- I don't know. What d-do you w-w-want from me?" I stuttered in fear.

"What's your name?" He questioned bending down to my level.

"Chre-santo! Chre-santo! Chre-santo!"

"R-Robyn?" I answered uneasily.

"Well Robyn I'm Chresanto the great and power. The god of the earth you are my new wife. Now undress your self at once so I can see what I'm dealing with!" Out of fear I instantly obeyed.

"Nice." He purred as he removed his white toga.

"What are you going to do to me?" I cried in fear.

"Silence!" He commanded causing my heart to stop.

"Good." He commended while he spread my legs apart.

"Ay it looks so nice and neat. To bad I'm about to destroy that!" He moaned into my vagina.


"Wow for a virgin you did a very good job!" He complimented as he put his toga back on.

"Don't you know how to say thank you?" He growled causing me to flinch.

"T-thank you!" I replied quickly.

"You should get used to this okay. I'm yours and you're mine until eternity."

He warned me and in response I nodded my head.

"And don't bother falling for any man of this earth because if you do he will be killed." He said before disappearing into thin air. After he left all that was left was a bottle of milk and some eggs.


"Mom I got the supplies!" I called out as I shut the front door.

"Oh my gosh what happened to you?" My mother shrieked alerting my father.

"What?" I peered down and saw blood trickling down my legs.

"Who did this to you?" My father pounded his fist on the table.

"Well you two may want to sit down for this." I suggested.

"Okay what?" My parents said once they settled down.

"WellwhenIwasinthewoodsaspiritcameandclaimedmeashiswifeandrapedme!" I informed them without taking a breath.

"You lying little slut! Do you expect us to believe that nonsense?" My father snarled.

"I'm serious his name was Chresanto you have to believe me!"

"Why would I believe such a ridiculous story like that! If you want to be a whore then go ahead,sleep around. But not in this house. Not under this roof!" My mother spat at me causing tears to involuntarily slip from my eyes.

"Aww the little lying slut's crying you know what? Get out drop the groceries and leave!" My father ordered. I reluctantly obeyed and walked out.

*end of flashback*

My parents later apologized to me and they tried to explain that they were drunk and angry. But I ignored them. Every since that day it's been me myself and I. Chresanto visited me all the time demanding sex from me always. He was so rough with me and dealt with me as if I was a toy. And he was even rougher if I didn't oblige. One day he visited me while I was talking a stroll through the park. He knocked me into a swing set and I quickly got up and ran to my house. Every since then I stopped going out in public and only left to get the necessities.

Chresanto's WifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz