(3 Months Later)

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A/n : I am so so so so sorreh


Dan: hey Phil

Phil: hey dan, I haven't heard from you in ages! ^-^

Dan: yeah, r u at ur parent's?

Phil: yup, it was Martin's Birthday a couple of weeks ago and I just didn't come back I guess...

Dan: oh. Well when r u coming back?

Phil: actually tomorrow, I think...what's up?

Dan: I just wanted some advice frm u

Phil: oh, well I can see you tomorrow?

Dan: okay, see you

Phil: bye bye xx

Dan is offline
Phil is offline


(Le Next Day)

Phils pov

I walked into the apartment, lugging my heavy bags behind me.

"Dan! I'm home!" I heard rustling from Dans bedroom and eventually he emerged, looking like a rat out of the sewers.

"Hey Phil."

"How are you? You look terrible...."

"Wow, thanks. I'm feeling okay. I was sick for a few days and I just woke up, but I'm fine now."

"Oh, okay. Well I'm going to go unpack and then we can talk?"


I rushed to my room, threw all of my clothes onto my bed, stuffed my case under my bed and ran back to the television room.

Dan was sitting on the couch, obviously waiting for me. "Hey, so what's up?" I asked, slightly out of breath from the rush.

"Hi so... um.... wanna sit down?" He said patting the space next to him. "Uh, sure." I said, sitting down.

"So,um, well I just wanted to talk to you about, um, well something?" He had his adorable frown on his face, his eyes scrunched up in confusion. You're so Cute.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I urged him to carry on.

"Well, so obviously you know that I've been with Ronnie for quite a while now. And, um, I really really like her," like? , " so I was thinking of...well... proposing."

What.  What!?

"You want to.... marry her!?" I felt my heart sink, my stomach ached. What's going on with me?


"Oh" in all honesty.... I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry until my tear ducts were as dry as a desert. I couldn't handle this, not right now. Dan.... He was my best friend. He can't leave me! Not yet, I'm not ready. I love him, I really do. I can't lose him to some fake bastard that just came off the street and paraded her boobs in his face. I felt sick.

"Phil, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah" I said, my voice cracking.

"Well,Yeh, I guess that's all I wanted to tell you. But I also wanted you to help me"

You want me to help you propose to a whore?

"How?" I felt my throat go dry. This can't be happening. I must've been dreaming.

"Well I've planned a whole thing..."

He went on to tell me his plan of proposing to her.
"Okay . I'll help. " I'd do anything for dan.


Phil: pj I can't cope anymore.

Pj: what's wrong Phil?

Phil: dan... He....

Pj:I'm calling you.

Incoming call from Pj

"H-hello" I snuffled

"Hey phil, are you crying?"

"Uu-uuh y-yeah I guess I a-am"

"What happened?"

"Uh, well D-Dan he is g-getting m-married"


"to r-ronnie"


I choked on a sob, the situation got worse every time I thought about it.

"Is Dan at home?"


"Okay, now tell me. Everything. "

I then procceeded to tell Pj everything, from Dan asking me to come home to him asking me to help him propose.

"I'm so sorry Phil."

"I just d-dont want to l-lose him"

"I know."

Tears were still running down my face. My hair was a mess and I was sat in my bed with all the lights off.



"Do you love him?"

What!? I coughed and spluttered.

"Pj, what are you on!?"

He laughed, "no, I'm serious Phil."

"I-I don't k-know."

"Of course you do."

"Well, of course I love him, Pj, he's my best friend"

"Okay, let me rephrase this, are you in love with Dan."

Was I in love with Dan? I mean, I thought he was beautiful, he could always bring a smile to my face. Everyday without him seems like an eternity, and I could never tire from his laugh. Oh shit.

"Pj,what do I do!"

I just heard a sigh from the other end.

"I can't, I mean he's..... oh shitohshitohshit"

"Hey Phil, it's okay. Don't worry. It'll be fine. There isn't anything you can do."

"Well how does that make it fine!?"

"I don't know. But don't worry Phil, we'll work it out, okay? I have to go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"


"Bye Philly"

"Bye Pj"

Call ended.

Well shit. I was utterly in love with Daniel James Howell.



well then . I give you permission to kill me.


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