Ara was looking through one rack of dresses as her Mom looks into the other. She had a black mask and was now aiming for either a white dress or a black one – maybe even both. 

They spent all day in multiple shops, looking at beautiful and exotic dresses, but she couldn't find one that looked as if it were – her. 

She didn't know which one she wanted, all she knew is that when she came across it she'll just feel it's 'The One'. 

"Honey, what about this one?" Her Mom says, pulling out a long hot pink strapless dress with a tight top part with layers of ruffles flowing down. 

It was not Ara. In her own opinion, it looked absolutely horrifying. The dress looked as if it were bridal style, one for a snobby rich kid who spends time spending her daddy's money. 

Ara shivers in disgust at it. "Sorry Mom. But I absolutely hate pink. Probably a nice dark colour, the style is cute but I loathe the colour." She declares, looking back at her rack. 

"Well, we gotta choose fast. I'm getting a little hungry – maybe we should stop by Starbucks before we get home." 

Ara nods in response, looking more quickly through the rack. Though, her prayers come to an end when she notices a hint of navy blue. 

She pulls it out of the rack, grinning shamelessly at it. 

"Mom! I think I found it – I think I found the one." She announces happily, staring at her amazing choice. 

"Oh! Ara, that's gorgeous! Oh and in our price range. I've got the most gorgeous heels to go with these." Her Mom exclaims, clapping her hands together and checking the price tag. She was proud at her daughter's excellent selection. 

Ara looked at her dress in admiration, it was beautiful, looking like the previous hot pink dress but in dark blue. It would go excellent with her mask – now all she had to do was try it on. 

She looks through the rack for her size. She was originally a size two, but with the extra weight she's gained, to feel comfortable she'll have to go with size three or four. 

She takes size three and four and carries them over to the changing rooms in the back of the store. She first tried on the size three. It was a perfect fit. Twirling in front of the mirror, she smiles. The dress made her feel like a princess. 

It was a good fit, but each week she's gradually getting thicker – even if it's not noticeable. She stripped out of that and changed into the size four dress. 

It fit, allowing a bit more space than the other size. Soon, Ara comes out of the dressing room redressed back in her shorts, white camisole and a tan coloured knitted cardigan. 

"I'll go with size four." She says, giving the size four dress to her Mom and keeping the other. Her mother smiles at her, not suspicious of her choice. 

"Sure sweetie. I'll go pay for this." Teresa assures, leaving Ara to be. Ara puts away the dress, thinking about her shoes. There were multiple options, she could use a few of her or her mom's heels, or stick with her navy blue converse. 

She was now 1 month pregnant, not exactly but only off by two days. Would it be okay for her to wear heels? Or should she wear her converse for precaution. She would be dancing, and she isn't the best dancer out there so converse seemed like her best option.

Plus, she wouldn't look suspicious as she always wears converse with her dresses. 

Through all this, Xander was trying to find the scent. It was hard, since when he stopped in front of a dress shop – or costume shop, he didn't know which – he was stopped by a dead-end as the scent was covered up by large amounts of perfume in the air that it nearly choked him.

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