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*Let's just say Luffy hasn't ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi fruit yet ;)*

"Luffyyyyy!! Get in the shower you filthy rascal!"

"Aaaaaawwwwww but I don't wanna! Can Ace and Sabo shower with me to?" Luffy whined.

She was really mad now.

"No! They are out getting a week's supply of food that you just ate! Besides, you got to start doing things yourself!" she spat as she threw Luffy to the shower room.

'She was over exaggerating.' he thought. 'I did not just eat a week's supply of food. I couldn't have. I'm still hungry."

He took off his clothes and set them aside. He started to pour the bucket on his head
when suddenly his foot slipped and as his rear smacked the ground, he hit his tailbone. (ㄒoㄒ) His tailbone... Ouch.

"Iiiiiiiitaiiiiiiiiiiiii!! " he screamed as he grabbed his butt.
Dadan heard the scream and without thinking, rushed in the bathhouse. "Luffy! are you OK? "
Luffy was now crying while rubbing his 'butt bone' that hurt like hell.

"No, it hurts!" he yelled with tears falling down his cheeks and snot dripping down to his mouth. It is known that tailbone injuries are extremely painful.

"Where does it hurt? Here? " she asked him while pressing the place he was rubbing.
He let out a ear-popping scream.
"Oi! Youre gonna leave me deaf! Anyways it's nothing serious, you should tuff it out like a man. You're a big boy aren't you?"
"...Still hurts." Luffy looked away from Dadan's face, embarrassed.
"Are you going to finish your shower or do you want me to help?" she said. Luffy stayed silent.
The foster mother signed, got the soap, and began washing Luffy's hair, being careful not to get it in his eyes, because ... she really doesn't want to become deaf.
As she was cleaning him up she hummed a tune to distract him from the pain. After a couple minutes, she swore she heard Luffy humming along with her. A few minutes later she dried him and helped him put on his sleeping clothes. Just as Dadan was about to leave the room, Luffy went up to her and hugged her right leg.
"Arigato." he said warmly with a big smile splattered on his face. Luffy then suddenly grabs Dadan's face and gives her a big wet kiss on her left cheek.(*^3^)/~♡

The foster mom's cheeks went a little red and it was at this moment that she remembers what she said to herself a while back: that seeing the adorable kid in pain hurts her more than not getting any sleep for days. At his smiling face she could immediately give in and spoil him till he starts to annoy the living daylights out of her. Before she could say anything Luffy lets go and runs to the main room to greet Ace and Sabo who had just came back with loads of food on their backs.

Dadan relaxed. She was happy. Just knowing Luffy, ace, and Sabo are happy could make her feel at ease. She would never want to trade her life for anything else. She liked being near these annoying, troublesome kids. She liked the fact that they cared so much for one another. She liked yelling at them to quit playing around and sleep already. She liked being around them. Actually she loved it. <Even though she doesn't really show it.>
"I love these kids" she said to herself. She really does. 


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  Till next time and have a good one!!

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