Chapter 43- Broken Street

Depuis le début

"This Hela, she is the protector of hell and she is why I am here, I notice a presence surround you and decided to found out what it was, and the reason Hela is saying sorry is because of this." suddenly it was like I was pushed back into my body. I screamed out as I shot up from the ground, pain flooded my senses I couldn't make sense from confusion as I was pulled up from the ground by a pale hand and thrown back into the fight.

"Liberty..." the voice was muffled as something sharp was stabbed into my spine. I dropped to my knees as I grabbed the blade of glass with numb fingers and pulled it from my spine. Blood dripped from my lips onto my chin as I rose up from the ground, but as I rose my hair was suddenly pulled back revealing my pale throat.

"I can't believe your Liberty Davis, the one they all talk about as if your some great hero." suddenly the sharp clean cut edge of a glass blade was pressed against my throat and pulled across. He threw my body against the ground. As my throat healed my breath gargled on blood. I looked over my shoulder blood spurting from my throat to see the symbol of hydra proudly stamped on his uniform. I felt the crackle of my impulses crawl across my skin. I suddenly flipped myself over and lunged upwards and grasped his neck in my hands. His mouth welcomed silent screams as his mental voice pleaded and screamed out in horror, as my electrical impulses burned away the skin beneath the palms of my hands.

"Liberty." This time the voice was crystal clear. I dropped my grasp from the dead man's throat and twisted around, to see the woman again. Her dead eyes stared into mine as she pointed out through the crowd of mutants, they all the others became dull and faded as she pin pointed one man in particular. In his hand sat a gun and his finger was on the trigger. I had no time to react as the bullet slammed into my chest. My body slammed back into the ground, blood rose up in my throat as I lay there shuddering and choking as the war raged on. Hela hovered over me, as I once again appear in the astral realm this time without doctor strange. I looked down as Stephen quickly move across the battle field casting spell quickly like the Sorcerer supreme he was.

He ran over to my body and pushed a hand into my chest searching for the bullet that had killed me. I looked back at Hela and saw her looked at the world below me.

"Odin has ordered me to make sure you matter how painful that maybe. I promise you that I bear no ill will against you...even after Loki tricked me into give you back your soul...I know you never asked for this life...and yet here I am forcing you to exist. I am truly sorry." My mind was ticking over; Loki tricked my soul from her? Suddenly it was that same feeling once again, as I was forcefully pushed back into my body.

"Wait!" I screamed, before I entered my body once again. I screamed out eyes wide and bloodshot. Adrenaline rushed through my system as I panted wildly; I pushed up from the ground shakily. I looked around me as never ending amount of Mutants poured into the city. Suddenly the sound of a thundered silenced the battle field and lightening tore through the sky welcoming the God of Thunder himself, as he screamed out send mutants sprawling as shockwave after shockwave of lightening slammed into the city. I watched as Thor suddenly dropped straight into the centre of chaos as he threw his hammer through lines of mutants

"Hulk inbound." Tony shouted, as suddenly a huge rage filled cry called across the battle field, I watched as he bound across the sky line crashing through buildings toppling them in his wake, before dropping into the war. His large green arms batted and tore through the rogue mutants like paper. I ran forward, into the eye of the storm towards the hulk and Thor. My spear slicing through mutants, and my hand burning skin at the touch as I raced through the hordes.

"Hulk!" I screamed out, his large green eyes found me amongst the devastation as I bound my way across broken and concrete and twisted metal in order to reach him. He bound towards me throwing off mutants that clawed at him, as we grew closer to each other I could see the blood spattering his body, some of his own mixed with that of the rogue mutants. I leapt high into the air and grabbed onto him, as one of my hand clutched onto him and swung low as he rushed through the hordes allowing my blade to slice through the mutants below. Suddenly the familiar twang of a bow flew through the air, as I watched Hawkeye and Natasha scale down a building; each arrow was focus on the rogue mutants attacking us as he swept through the hordes.

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