Chapter 43- Broken Street

Start from the beginning

My eyes searched the battle field. We were overwhelmed. Tony used his blasters as much as physically possibly but they swarmed around him, those with more outstanding mutations used them to their advantage. One mutant suddenly threw a large slab of concrete straight into tony standing him straight into the side of a building.

I looked as tears filled my eyes as Steve batted away mutant after mutant, suddenly something flashed past him, another mutant, and his speed gave him the upper hand, as Steve tried to defend himself it was too late as the mutants fists slammed into his body.

Suddenly a second shot rang out.

The bullet slammed into my awestruck body as I kneeled there with the boy's dead body in my hands. I didn't scream, as I felt my blood pour from me. It landed on the concrete ground in large thick drips as I moved the body gently away from me and stood up. I dug my fingers into my shoulder and pulled away the bullet. As I reached out with my other hand and grasped my sceptre.

Six more bullets to go. I pushed through my own mental barriers and searched the battle field, then I felt him...the anger, the hate and sadism all aimed towards me. I ran forward, toward Steve as his body slammed against the ground. I quickly found the metal signal of the mutant attacking Steve and stopped him. Blood poured from his nose and mouth as he dropped to the ground in agony. Steve groaned against the pavement as I reached out impulses crawling through my sceptre and onto the skin of my next attacker as the blade cut through some like paper.

Suddenly a mutant ran towards me his body like fluid rock. Suddenly his body morphed changing his arm into a stone blade. I focused on my sceptre and as I ran forward and jumped. I felt the metal shift and change beneath my grasp as I raised the axe above my head and slammed it down on my assailant. The heavy metal sliced through the stone shell of the mutant and straight into the muscle and bone beneath.

A third shot rang out.

I waited for it to hit, only for it to rebound off a haze red, white and blue. Steve stood before me his vibrarium shield protecting both of us. He suddenly swung it out hitting a mutant straight in the face flipping him onto his back. He nodded his thanks to me as he continued his fight.

I nodded back as I raced through the field of mutant bodies so fried and some foe. I tried the best I could to defend myself in the midst of battle, but I was severely out numbers fists slammed into my body with extreme force and dexterity. My axe formed into my double bladed spear, quickly sliding and maiming my enemies as I tried to even out the playing field. Suddenly without a seconds notice, the fourth shot rang out.

I didn't even feel the bullet enter my skull.

I woke up disorientated and confused I looked won at my body to see myself wearing my newly acquired Asgardien robes. I then looked at the ground and saw myself. My blood was pouring out of my head as I lay there on the ground supposedly dead. The mutant horde shifted its focus away from me and towards the rest of the Avengers and X-men.

I looked to see Stephen, hovering above us all. His eyes closed and a third eye open on his forehead. He was projecting into the astral plane. I looked across the battle field and watched as Tony's arch reactor shot a beam of pure energy across a horde of mutants knocking them down like a strike during bowling.

"I'm so sorry." I suddenly twisted around saw two figures stood there. Stephen was stood with a cup of tea in hand, with concentration creasing his brow as he looked at me. I then looked to the second figure. She was dressed in shadows, black and swirling around her like a living being, her eyes were dead and dull as she stood there in the astral plane.

"Who are you?" her pale lips were pursed in a tight line, as she looked in my general direction with her lifeless eyes. I looked to Stephen who took a large mouthful of tea as if there wasn't a battle waging on around us. He stepped the cup down in mid-air causing it to float away in the distance.

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