Chapter 2

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16 year olds really shouldn't be afraid of five boys, but you know, sh it happens. For me nothing has ever been good when it comes to guys. Except maybe my brother, but he's not around anymore. My brother's name is Luke. He's 19 years old. Being three years older than me, he was smart and got out of our parents house. He's now in a great band making incredible music and has probably forgotten about me, but who wouldn't honestly. When he was around he was sweet.

Anyway, back to boys and them be awful. Every man that has adopted me so far has been a complete ass. They have mistreated me: beat me, burned me, threatened me, raped me, etc. I know this sounds casual, but I would never say it out loud. These things have brought me to the conclusion that I would stay in the orphanage forever and hide from all men ever, that was until I was adopted by five lads.

Now I have absolutely no idea who these blokes are, but they must be rich or something because right now I was sat opposite them in what I assumed was a limo. They all stared at me in curiosity while I stared out the window.

"So Emma," Niall says. "I'm Niall, I already told you that," he points to each boy, "This is Harry. That's Louis, Liam, and Zayn."

"Um, okay thanks," I mutter quietly and look out the window again.

Niall clears his throat before speaking again, "All of us boys live in the same house with different rooms. There are only five rooms, but mine has two beds. Would you be okay with sleeping in my room?"

"I, um, that's fine, uh sir," I look down at my hands in my lap. They all look at each other strangely. 

"Emma," Harry speaks confused. I gulp, "You don't have to call us sir, just call us by our names, love."

"Okay," I say feeling small. They seem like nice lads, but I still don't trust them. I know it's going to take some time. That is if I even can ever trust them.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is pretty short. I'm trying I swear!

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