The dark side to Facebook: Post man

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 Alright people, this is mostly the side of Lucas people see (the post man)

Hope you enjoy :)


VOTE! Because I am going on holiday tomorrow, and if I get votes I will post the next chapter before I go, because seriously the next chapter is going to be awesome, for all you sick horror lovers!


“Thank you Lucas, wouldn’t know what we would do without you in this community” Mr Savie called waving his mail in his hand, smiling from ear to ear.

“You’re welcome, same time tomorrow!” I laughed walking away with my mail bag over my shoulder thinking it would be great to answer ‘Well if I wasn’t in this community you would not have a murderer as your mail man and my wife would still be alive’. Only two more house and then it will be 2pm and I can renovate my home perfect for my guest tonight, Lucy I am doing all of this for you! I thought whilst looking up towards the sky, my memories are one thing which keeps me sane.

Nineteen months ago:

“Lucas!” She cried in burst of laughter, “Stop tickling me, I am going to cry!” She giggled rolling around on the bed, the way her beautiful cheeks and eyes light up when I did this made it hard to stop, her laughter is like music to my ears.

“Lucy if I stop do I get a kiss?” I smirked holding her down whilst whispering across her neck so that my breath was then tickling her. Her breath was un-even from the laughing as she nodded unable to add words.

“I love you.” I mumbled when my lips finally placed them self on hers, she sighed and I relaxed, Lucy the most gorgeous woman I have ever met and she is all mine, and I all I need.

“As I love you!” She giggled pulling herself up on the bed, her brown long hair in tangles, and her crystal blue eyes twinkled from the small tear drop which was still placed in her eye from happiness, her cheeks flushed peach colour and her lips plump and round she was a perfect model of a woman in every way I thought to myself as I look over her.

“Have you ever thought about children?” She whispers, stroking her fingers up and down my arm- her eyes glued to mine waiting for a response for her question. Why would she want a child with me though, yes we have been together for weeks and I have proven that I love her- but children?

“Children? What are they?” I faked my confused voice with a chuckle and pretended to rub my chin thinking of the answer as in return she picked up a pillow and hit me over the head making me lie flat on the bed, once she finally got on top of me she asked the question again.

“Lucas, I love you and wouldn’t it be amazing if we could share all our love with children?” She asked glaring at me with so much love it made my heart explode, I could never reject anything she wanted I smiled and nodded.

“It would be a dream to have children with you.” I spoke clear and instantly she gasped and placed her lips on mine kissing me with so much passion.


With a growl I placed my finger on my lips remembering how she used to feel with she pressed her lips to mine, she was so soft and smooth not a blemish or crack- perfect.

“Mail man!” I turned to see a group of boys which looked around twelve laughing a pointing at me making my blood boil, they shouted once again as one of them through a rock at me whilst the rest burst out laughing singing mail man, then suddenly a range of images flew through my mind; they were all different scene shots of way to murder and torture the young boys, the thought brought a sly smirk to my face, I wonder if they have Facebook?

“What are your names?” I asked before I could even think what I was doing; I didn’t need their body as they would be no help in re-building Lucy. When she spoke about children she always talked about how wonderful and loving they was however were ever I go, I see this- arrogant, impolite spoilt teenagers, her children would have never been like that because they would have respect.

“Pedo!” One of the boys called laughing, as the others once again started screaming that horrid word, the word that brings sickness to my mouth it is a word which is vile and teenagers shouldn’t shout it out, I am innocent.

“I was checking for your mail.” I spoke clear, waving the mail around in my hand and some of their faces went blank and clueless, “Your second name.” I spoke again and finally some of their faces brightened if I could I would see a little light bulb over some of their idiot heads.

“Morsen!” The boy called, as the others started chattering daring one to say a fake name to me although none of them did or would because everyone has common sense and most people in this community have heard about my loss and experience at the mental home, although I am cured now and looking towards to future of bring Lucy back.

“Alright, give this too your mother.” I called throwing the mail to his feet as he stuttered for words, I walked away to finish my mail round and go home as the excitement of tonight has brought a spring to my step all day; Sarah’s pathetic face when she realises her fate, I wonder if that I drilled her eyes out of the socket she would just feel immense pain, she wouldn’t even get to watch she would be in the unknown as I take her apart limb to limb.

With a small skip I realise I had finally finished, my home is only around the corner so after a quick jog home I look at the time as smile 2:48pm I have around 5 hours to get everything ready and to go and meet the teenager. My bedroom the room I know Lucy is still in, she watches me and helps me as her photo stands by my bed that is why I know what I am doing is right because of the way that she watches me it’s like she has been in with the plan since the day they took her away, although I know god is watching her and he knew that she was an angel because he wanted her back to quick and now I am getting her back of him, she likes that too.

The suit case lies flat under the bed compact with drills, hammers and other toys that I will play with tonight I have changed the bed sheets to complete black; that girl will never lie a finger on my sweet Lucy’s bed covers I reassure myself placing my hand on my heart, everything is perfect the flowers are steady at a 90 degree angle in the vase, the carpet is vacuumed and shampooed leaving not a speckle of dust on the ground, perfect. I quickly shower making sure I am presentable for Lucy because she is the one watching me, Sarah is just a body part so that Lucy can get back in her body and Lucy always deserves the best.

The clock reads 7:15pm it is finally time to go, I am actually nervous my palms are sweaty and my notes are slanted my heart has slowly risen its speed- I close my eyes and scream, this is all for you Lucy, all of it.


There you go more info on Lucy ><!

In the next chapter its going to be pretty sick as I will be talking about the way he kills Sarah :)



VOTE! Because I am going on holiday tomorrow, and if I get votes I will post the next chapter before I go, because seriously the next chapter is going to be awesome, for all you sick horror lovers!

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