He pulled his bed sheets over his body messily, like he'd been there for a while. Why had the angel been dreaming of him? And that way! He figured he had enough time until Sammy came back home to test his theory. He turned towards the window in the room, away from the door, just in time to hear it open with a creak.

"Dean. Wake up-" the angel froze a second to clear his throat, his voice having been deeper than usual - almost husky. "It's 10 a.m. Sam called last night and said he's be a bit longer."

Internally, Dean cheered. He definitely should have enough time.

With a grumble, he pushed himself up off the bed, acting tired as he came face to face with the shirtless angel. His gray wings were tucked neatly behind him, out of reach. Dean wondered if that was intentional.

Castiel looked down sheepishly. "I figured that since you've seen them, there's no reason to hide them." He gave a shrug and looked back up to see Dean's reaction. The hunter gave a simple nod, then pushed past him to the kitchen, stuffing a donut into his mouth along the way. He offered one to Cas, but he shook his head, declining. "What are we doing today?" Castiel inquired.

"I figured we could go check out the local bar, see if they've seen anything." Dean smiled, knowing Cas would take him for his word. He really only wanted to have a few drinks and maybe meet a girl after what had happened. Maybe someone would even hit on Castiel and amuse him for a while.

Dean concealed a sigh. Castiel had turned him on. He'd turned Dean on. Straight Dean. Just by kissing him. He needed to get his head straight and get a hard on for the right gender, because there was no way he was going to be able to relieve himself if it was just him and Cas in the motel alone.

"Okay," the angel said, pulling his wings back, hiding them from mortal view. He shrugged on his shirt, fumbling with the buttons. Contrary to last night after Dean had left, he managed to get half of them buttoned before Dean impatiently took over. When it came to his tie, Dean took a step back and watched Castiel attempt to tie his tie on his own. To his astonishment, Castiel managed to tie it completely wrong, making an absurdly tight knot. His eyebrows pulled together in frustration and concentration as Dean choked back laughter.

"You wear a tie every day and you don't know hoe to tie it?" he scoffed at Cas, swatting away his hands, moving towards him with a smirk. He got close enough to see what he was doing and grabbed both sides of the tie, looping it the right way until he was able to pull it into the tight triangle it was meant to have been in. He left him some neck space, not tightening it so much, then straightened out the thinner side of the tie, hiding it behind the thick side. All the while, Castiel was staring at Dean's face with one of his signature stares.

Dean glanced up, debating whether or not he should test his theory now or not. He resolved to give it a try. He reached up behind Cas's collar to flip the tag to the inside, letting his hands brush against the discreet bumps on the angel's back where his wings normally jutted out from.

Overcome by the pleasure and lust, the angel's wings tore from his back, ripping holes in his shirt and spreading out behind him as he grabbed Dean on each side of his face, pressing his lips to the other's frantically. He backed the two of them up against the couch, causing a very surprised Dean to shout into Castiel's mouth as he fell back onto the couch. Without thinking, Castiel climbed up onto his lap, a leg along each side of him. He pressed Dean back against the cushion, exploring his mouth, unable to hold back. Their bodies were glued to one another's, and Dean's eyes snapped open as he felt a lump pressing against his lower stomach, belonging to the other man.

As he came back to his senses, realizing he shouldn't be going along with this, only then did he begin to protest against the angel's pursuits. He pushed softly against Cas's chest, watching his face.The angel came to his senses slowly, his lips moving slower against Dean's, and finally, their lips broke apart, both of them panting. Castiel opened his eyes to look into Dean's surprised green ones.

Dean lookup up at Castiel, trying to catch his breath and ignore the aching underneath his pants zipper. He felt the unusually hard lump pressed against his lower stomach which he assumed belonged to the flustered angel on his lap. He gasped - a bit too audibly - looking down, hoping that Cas didn't feel the lump that belonged to Dean.

Castiel looked down with Dean and realized what he was so surprised about. He jumped back and off of Dean, his face red with embarrassment.

"W-What... Cas?" Dean stammered. He'd had the same effect on the angel as Castiel had had on Dean. Castiel was reacting just like a normal human would have - as if he were sexually attracted to him rather than this just being a misunderstanding. What was going on? He'd never been like this before.

"This isn't supposed to happen. I don't know why I'm experiencing these emotions," he apologized, his wings already having vanished from mortal sight. "Can we.. Can we just go to the bar now?"

Dean glanced at the clock, realizing that it was already past noon. Eating breakfast and fixing Cas's tie had taken at least an hour (He had attempted to go slow and see if the angel could learn how to tie it himself), the other was spent contemplating touching Cas's back and having the angel violate his mouth. Wow. Time flies, he thought.

"Sure, Cas... Just try to keep that under control, okay? We'll head to get some lunch first, since you must be hungry and that donut did nothing for me. Then we'll head to the bar."

The angel nodded silently, following Dean out the door into the Impala, his brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of what kept happening between the two of them.

Weak Wings (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now