You laid on the mattress and covered yourself with the blanket, placing your head on the enormous soft pillow. Your last thoughts before sleeping were about Yuri and Murasakibara together.

You woke up the next day by Murasakibara's mother's voice.

"Good morning, (Y/N)-chan. Your mom called and I answered her by your phone. Is that okay?" She sweetly asked.

You just nodded as you stood up, heading to the bathroom. Murasakibara's mother gave you your school uniform, towels, and new undergarments.

You went to bath as usual, with your morning routine.

You were called to breakfast after that, and headed with Murasakibara for school. You were currently walking with him on the side-walk.

"Say, (Nickname)-chin.."


"Were you really tired yesterday midnight when I was talking about Yu-chin?" Questioned Murasakibara curiously.

"Um, yeah. Why?"

"You seemed more like upset than tired to me.. Then again, maybe it's just me imagining things."

"N-No, I was really tired." You lied, trying to come up with the perfect excuse. "I was tired after I found my kitten, because I had to run to the veterinary hospital and yeah."

"Oh yeah, come over at my house after school to pick up your little kitty."

"Okay.." You sighed.

You and Murasakibara eventually arrived to school. You both walked to class, late. Everyone thought that you were absent, but then the whole class felt weird when they saw you arriving with Murasakibara,

"Care to explain why are YOU late and with Murasakibara-kun, (L/N)-san?"

You tensed up, as you trembled. You took a glance at the whole class, noticing Yuri. She was literary glaring at both of you a second ago, but suddenly she smiled.

You turned to the teacher who seemed a bit angry. You were about to speak but then you were cut off.

"She came over my house and had a sleep over with me and some relatives. This is why she's with me and also why she's late."

You were very shocked when you heard Murasakibara defending you and standing for you against the teacher. You felt really relieved because you knew that you would mess everything up if you talked.

"Well then, if it's that then you can sit in the class."

You went to your destination and sat, taking out your books. Hikari turned to you and waved, greeting you. You smiled at him in return.

He seemed really happy but you never knew why. You glanced to the right side and saw that new girl from yesterday.

She eyed you weirdly and turned. You never knew what the heck was going on in her mind. She seemed like one of those spoiled girls who only care about themselves.

You saw her taking out a note paper, writing something on it. She suddenly tapped your shoulders, handing you the note paper.

It said:
'I know that I'm new. Come with me at lunch break.'

One of your eyebrows twitched as you felt really curious. You looked back at her, nodding. You immediately tore the paper and raised your hand to throw it in the dust bin.

You returned to your place as Yuri tapped your shoulder. "Psst, (Y/N)." You looked at her, shaking your head slightly.

"I need you to confess something to you after school." She whispered.

"Okay, but let's focus on the teacher for now." You mumbled.

Eventually class was done, and various periods and classes passed. The bell rang, and it was none other than lunch time. You immediately looked for the new girl, and gradually found her.

Both of you took your bentos, and went to the roof of the school. You sat on the ground, in the opposite direction of her.

"So.. What's your name?"

"It's Aizawa Hana."

'Aizawa? I've heard that name before.. Wait, it couldn't be..!'

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