"Sorry, what?" Sharon asked.

"How did you discover this place? I mean this is shop is so difficult to find and people often fail to notice it." Swayam said.

"I'm not like most people Swayam. I guess I was just walking to get my mind of the workload and lo behold I found this magical place. There was something about it I couldn't shake off and also the coffee here is amazing!" Sharon said enthusiastically.

"I'll agree with you on that. In that case we should have a cup of coffee." Swayam replied.

"Of course. Always ready for caffeine." She said as Swayam got up to order.

After Swayam left, Sharon looked around to realize how beautiful the place really was. Within the crowded city it was a place of solace. She felt it amusing when Swayam said that people often fail to notice it. The smell of fresh coffee brought her back from her thoughts.

"Coffee for the lady." Swayam said as he handed one cup to Sharon.

"Smells great. Thank you." Sharon said taking a sip of her coffee. Swayam also sat relishing his drink himself. Whilst drinking Sharon kept stealing glances of Swayam. His hair falling on his forehead somehow fascinated her. She was tempted to gently remove them from his forehead. She tried to shake off the idea but it kept coming back. The only way she could think to stop those ideas was to start a conversation and she knew exactly what to converse about.

"So Shekhawat tell me about your love life." She asked. Swayam widened his eyes clearly not expecting such a question.

"What?" He asked.

"Your love life. You know almost everything about mine so it's only fair that you share yours too." Sharon said taking another sip of coffee.

"Life isn't fair Sharon." Swayam said.

"Don't use quotes on me. I'm not backing down." Sharon said as she glared at him.

"Stop glaring, you look scary." Swayam said trying to concentrate back at his coffee which was getting colder.

"I'll take that as a compliment this time." Sharon said as she continued glaring.

"Okay fine. There's not much to know. Well I don't think I have ever been in a relationship." He said.

"Never? Swayam you aren't allowed to lie." Sharon said but secretly hoped it was true.

"It's the truth. I was always that sincere little student in both school and college, but I did have this crush on a girl." Swayam replied.

As she heard this Sharon felt a pang of jealousy inside her. She didn't want to feel jealous, it may have happened years ago but her mind betrayed her.

"Oh." That's all she could say.

"Aw... Don't be jealous Sharon." Swayam cooed.

"Who said I was jealous? There is simply no reason for me to be jealous." She said feeling her cheeks burn.

"Your face says it all. Anyway it was years back." He said smirking. Sharon felt slight relief but that hint of jealousy was still instilled in her mind.

"What about now?" She asked as meekly as possible.

Swayam resisted from saying that she was the one who makes him crazy each day. The three words were hanging at the tip of his tongue but he remained silent. He couldn't say anything. He couldn't tease her and if he lied he was sure she would realise he wasn't being truthful. When she didn't get any answer from Swayam two possibilities swamped her mind, either there was someone he liked or he never heard a word she said. She hoped it was the latter option.

"Enough of this love story talks, it's getting too girly." Swayam said.

"Okay. Yes of course. What else can we talk about?" Sharon replied.

"I have run out of topics." Swayam said finishing his coffee.

"Oh... I totally forgot to tell you. The crew members are planning some sort of picnic before the start of the semi finals, so do you want to come?" Sharon said.

"I'd love to. Are you sure they'll allow me, technically I'm not a part of the crew." Swayam asked.

"Of course they will. Everybody is like a fan of you." Sharon said.

"That's good to know." Swayam said with his usual smirk.

"Don't be so flattered Swayam." Sharon responded. Before Swayam could answer they hear Sharon's phone ring. Sharon saw Ankita's name flash on her screen. As soon as she picked up she heard a frustrated yell. "Sharon Rai Prakash. Where the hell are you?"

"I'm at this coffee place with Swayam." She replied with a confused expression.

"So now your crush is more important that your best friend?" Ankita said. Sharon blushed at this statement but at the same time was utterly confused at Ankita's strange behaviour.

"Why are you yelling?" Sharon asked.

"You forgot. Sharon what day is it?" Ankita asked.

"Friday. Why?" Sharon said.

"Does that ring any bells?" She asked.

"Friday.. oh I totally forgot. How could I forget?" Sharon said.

"Exactly. Now I need you here in 5 minutes." Ankita said.

"Where exactly is here?" Sharon asked embarrassed.

"Outside the studio." Ankita said with a sigh.

"I'll be there in 2 minutes." With this Sharon kept her phone back.

"What happened?" Swayam asked totally confused hearing the one sided conversation.

"Remember I said Ankita would come to the studio on Friday?" Sharon said.


"So, I totally forgot about it and now she is waiting for me and clearly she will kill me today." Sharon said.

"I don't think so." He replied.

"You don't know like I do Swayam and she absolutely hates latecomers. Now don't just sit there. Let's go or else you will see a dead corpse today." Sharon said dramatically.

Swayam obeyed her and followed a very impatient Sharon. He could clearly sense that whoever he was going to meet was going to be as crazy as Sharon and if that was good thing or bad, he didn't know.


A/N- Sorry for taking so long to update. Thank you for reading and hopefully liking this story. :) Hope you liked this update.

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