2. And His Name is... John Cena!

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Troye's POV

          "And now, singing YOUTH from his new album Blue Neighbourhood, ladies and gentleman Troye Sivan!" I hear Jimmy Fallon introduce me. I almost laugh at the idea that everyone thinks I'm simply going to be singing YOUTH then make my departure. Honey, you've got a big storm coming. My back is faced toward the camera as the beginning beat to YOUTH plays, and the crowd goes silent, respectfully listening to what I'm about to sing. I start singing YOUTH but about 10 seconds in I cue the band to stop playing.

          "There's been a slight change of plans, instead of singing YOUTH like originally intended, I'm going to be singing a little song I wrote called 'for him.' This song means a lot to me, it's really special and very specific to the person it's written for, hence the name of the song. I hope you all like it." I hear a few gasps and see a couple confused faces, and a couple excited ones. I manage to hear a "What is he doing?!" Somewhere in the jumble of whispers but I can't exactly associate the voice to any one specific person. They can try to stop me, but it won't be o much use.The show must go on, and on it will go.

          I cue the band once more to start playing for him. Obediently, they do as I ask and begin playing the song. The crowd respectfully goes quiet, focusing their attention on waiting for me to sing so they can listen. Eventually I do, starting out a bit nervously thinking about the larger events to come in the very near future. However, getting farther along in the song, I am reminded of who it is I'm actually singing it for, and that managed to get me back into my comfort zone, which erased a bit of the shakiness from my voice.

          As the song progressed, the more confidence I gained, as if all of my prior stage fright had been slowly slipping away into the unknown. I even subconsciously start doing my lame little dances I tend to do on stage, not until after I'm full blown bopping do I even realize that I'm doing it. Keep in mind that I can't dance to save my life. Great, Troye I think. You've probably just embarrassed yourself on your big TV debut. I mean it's One thing dancing at my concerts, but to anyone else watching this for the first time it probably looks like something similar to a bird of paradise performing a mating dance to attract all of the sexy bird mamas. Those little shits get tons of chicks, what actual studs. If only it worked with humans, I'd have boys throwing themselves at my feet. Then again, I've already managed to snatch up the boy of my dreams, what more do need? All of the boys in the world couldn't compare to John.

          Almost as soon as it began, the song is about to come to an end. As we planned before John comes up on stage before I sing the last line, and I'm supposed to be singing it to him. So, that's exactly what I do. I look into his memorizing eyes and sing to him, "All I need is you." I continue to stare for a moment after the song is over and allow that moment to be used for getting myself lost in his hypnotic gaze. "This is for you, John." I catch a small glimpse of surprise etched onto his features, before I reach over to his face, taking it into my hands and gently pressing my lips to his own. It lasts a few seconds until I realize that the audience is teeming with people watching our every move and we aren't here to make out in the first place; I have to break off the kiss. We look at each other with a slight sadness that the kiss couldn't have lasted longer, but the frowns suddenly turn into huge grins on our faces, then we look up at the crowd, most of which we were met with the same expression, other faces filled with shock and some with confusion.

Picking the mic back up, I make the official announcement. "You've seen it here first, everyone. I, Troye Sivan have a beautiful boyfriend, who of which I love and cherish with all of my heart and soul. Which i will never take for granted. In which I will always guide in times good and bad, for he has guided me, and shaped me to become the person I am today. I, Troye Sivan, have a beautiful boyfriend, and his name is. . . John Cena!"

John hoists me up on his shoulders as his theme song plays at full volume with air horns blasting in the background to accompany the backdrop that reads "get rekd m8" and we blast away at full speed, complete disregard for all of the gasps, cheers, and surprised expressions being thrown our way. We don't stop until we reach the outside of the set but still, we have no intentions of staying along for what might await us, instead we jump start John's car because this city's a bore.

"John, where is it that we're going exactly? I ask once we've taken off to the streets, at quite a fast pace might I add. "I'm not exactly sure myself," he starts. "I guess we'll know when we get there, but for now, let's ride." "John, we can't just run away together, we both have careers to attend to, and I don't just want to ditch all of my friends and family. Plus it's been done before and I want to be original." I try to talk some sense into him, seeing as his train of thought was being irrational. "Oh yeah, you're right. Well, since we can't do that, wanna hit up Taco Bell? I mean if neither of us are doing anything we might as well get something to eat." He suggests. I shrug in agreement. "Yeah that sounds pretty chill, let's go for it."

"So what about what happened back there? You know, bailing on my big tv debut right after announcing the grand reveal of my boyfriend then coming out as a couple? It's probably gonna stir up a little something in the media." I say, half talking to John and half thinking out loud. He hesitates before answering, his main focus on driving, quite ironically considering a moment ago he was speeding through red lights.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing," he reassures me, his eyes staying focused on the road. "Back when I was wrestling in the WWE, we'd try to get as much publicity as we possibly could, to build our fan base and strengthen our ego, and using the help of the media was one of the best ways to get that." "So what you're saying is that sometimes causing a slight uproar in the media could be helpful to me? I think I'll have to remember that. Thanks, John." He nods, and I take some time to ponder that thought. Usually I tend to stay away from the media and their "gossip", unless of course it was more on the positive side. This opened up a new point of view.

A/N: okay so I honestly have no idea where I was going with this so its kind of really !???!? From start to finish but let's just go with it okay and yes I know I never got to the Taco Bell date thing whatever but I kind of prefer if it would be in a separate chapter so don't drag me !! I am a flop I know !!

This a/n is going nowhere so I'm just going to stop before someone jumps off of a cliff whether it be one of you or myself.

Thanks for reading :-)
- Jocey The Rat

P.S: I hope at least one of you is catching all of my Blue Neighbourhood references ;-)

Wild Wrestling  (Troye Sivan and John Cena) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin