1. My Beautiful Boyfriend

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Troye's POV

It's been one week I've made the announcement confirming my current relationship status, and the fandom is still going wild. They're all posting about it, wondering who it could oh so possibly be, if it weren't obvious enough already. Most people automatically jumped to the conclusion that I was dating Connor, and I can see why they would be so quick to assume. However, this isn't the case. In fact, this was all a really carefully planned out set up, a long term act, a cover up scheme.

Connor and I aren't dating, regardless of anyone's remarks of their so called "Tronnor proof". Like I said before, it was all done deliberately to make everyone think that I was in a relationship with Connor and judging by everyone's reactions, it's been working. I'm sorry to say but it's all been a lie, Connor was just a beard. Well, we're still best friends, just not boyfriends. I kind of even feel bad for everyone who's ever shipped us.

Sorry to say babes, but Tronnor is as real as my social life, and everyone knows that it's nonexistent.

Then who is this "beautiful boyfriend" of mine? Here's a hint: he has quite a hot bod if I do say so myself. He's also kind of become a big meme recently, you'll probably find middle school boys randomly playing a video of his song in the middle of class on full blast to annoy their teacher.

That's right, my boyfriend is the one, the only, John Cena.

THE John Cena. The same John Cena that played Fred's dad in Fred The Movie, The John Cena that was a professional wrestler in the WWE, the very same John Cena that's going to have a guest appearance on the Tonight Show later tonight. The show that I'M performing on. We're planning to come out on the same day, to make it big. There's not really any better way to announce my "mystery boyfriend" than on my big TV debut all of my fans are tuning in to. I love my fans, I really do. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't even be performing tonight.

"Troye?" I'm interrupted out of my own thoughts and I snap back to reality at the sound of my name. I look up to see the love of my life, John Cena, looking down at me, sitting in such a way I look lovesick. To be honest, I am. When it comes to having someone as amazing as John Cena be your lover, who wouldn't be?

"Yeah, Dad- I mean John?" Smooth Troye boy, Very smooth. John only gives a slight smirk, then continues speaking. "They just told me they want you out there for a quick rehearsal, they want to make sure everything sounds okay." "Oh, yeah that's cool. I'll be right there." I say trying to disregard any potentially awkwardness due to the prior situation. Either I have to find my chill or I'm going to need someone to talk me down.

I aimlessly wander the set, looking like a lost boy until I finally find the room I'm supposed to rehearse in. I'm supposed to play YOUTH but I managed to get the band to accompany me in playing for him. I want this to be big, if I'm finally gonna make the grand reveal on who my boyfriend is. It's gonna be a surprise for everyone, and the directors might get pretty pissed at me but it's all worth it.

Once we have finished with rehearsal, there's only about an hour left until the show so we get dressed up and do any last-minute touch ups. John and I are supposed to have a "duet" for when I make my first appearance on stage. It's supposed to be part of a cheesy, scripted monologue which is really just a set up for me to come in. Although i won't really even notice wheat he's saying over how nervous I'm gonna be.


          After what feels like years of anticipation, the time finally comes for me to make my first TV debut. I can even feel my own heart shaking in my chest. I can hear John beginning my cue, which is him singing part of the song Hello by Adele. My nerves and raging anxiety tries to take me over before walking out of  the curtains but I try not to let it win.

Pushing the curtains aside, I make my appearance and sing my line to Hello, surprisingly with a slight confidence in my voice. I don't know what it is exactly, but something about even just seeing John Cena makes me feel at ease.

"Who are you?" John asked, stating the first line of our scene. "It's me, your inner child." I continued. "Little- Little John?" His face turns into one of slight astonishment, then turning into one of happiness, before continuing. "It's me, Papa John!" He gasps out, then runs to me and takes me into his arms for a warm embrace. We both knew it wasn't our first tonight, and it certainly won't be our last. "I-I finally found him!" John continues with his line after we've let go. The scene cuts over to Jimmy Fallon. "This is one of the most beautiful moments I've ever witnessed. Wait, John, what are you doing?"

The scene quickly jumps back to us, or better said to John flinging a fake Troye dummy across the stage. I don't think anyone would really even believe that was actually me regardless, I mean Troye Sivan getting body slammed by John Cena? To most, it sounds ridiculous, however to me it sounds like a casual Friday night if you know what I mean.

"Ive finally done it, my inner child is dead. Now I can become the man." The camera zooms in and Jimmy Fallon walks on stage, giving John a handshake. "John Cena everybody! Troye, are you okay?" He looks in my direction as I walk back in the frame, rubbing my neck in fake pain. "Yeah I'm fine, im fine." Jimmy does his outro and we go to commercial.

I'm performing next, and instead of it being YOUTH like planned, I'm going to be surprising everyone tonight. This is the start of Trohn Sina. I know that this is a really big risk I'm taking tonight, but art is risk and John is my work of art so this is a risk worth taking.

Tonight, I'm not going to be singing YOUTH. I'm going to sing for him. And I'm going to sing it to him. Tonight I am singing for the love of my life. Tonight, I am singing for John Cena.

A/N: Okay so first of all, a quick intro. My name is Jocey and I am the author of this wonderful fanfic you've read above. I don't know when or how I came up with the idea to write this monstrosity of a fanfic but it's here and I can't really erase what I've done. Keep in mind that this is supposed to be a humorous story if you haven't already figured that out by now. I Know this isn't a proper intro but I'm quite uninteresting so I'm sorry I can't tell you about my "amazing adventure of meeting Oprah in a public bathroom. The most interesting thing hats happened to me is getting blocked by dr Phil TBH.

Anyway if you want to tell me about yourself, I think that would be great!

Thanks for reading!

Wild Wrestling  (Troye Sivan and John Cena) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ