Chapter 3: rule breaker

Start from the beginning

"You couldn't have knocked?" I spat out, feeling my face turn tomato red. I knew blaming her for this situation was dumb, but the words were out of my mouth before I could even rethink

"Excuse me?" Michellie hissed, her red eyes darkening. I sure knew how to make a bad situation ten times worse.

"Calm." Bruftus stated, alerting me of his presence beside her. I blushed even darker, realizing that my embarrassment now had an audience.

"You!" Michellie spat at the guy standing shell shocked a few steps away from me. "How dare you leave the main hall!" The vampire fell quickly to his knees, baring his wrist to her. I had learned that this was an involuntarily sign of submission within people of the sun. If your body recognized that the threat was stronger than you, it would force you to present a vein which was the equivalent of handing over your life.

"I invited him down here! I told him King Elijah wouldn't mind!" I intervened.

"Oh King Elijah wouldn't mind?" Michellie scoffed, still glaring at the man before her. "He could level an entire battlefield with how much he-"

"Return to the main hall. Your services will no longer be required. A maid will be there to escort you from the palace." Bruftus said calmly, pulling my guest up by his collar. "To prevent the telling of what you've seen while here, you'll be required to debrief with the palace guardians at the front gate.I'll escort you out of the tunnels." Bruftus declared, yanking his collar. A second later they were gone, most likely having ran from the room at a speed I had grown used to not being able to perceive.


"Don't!" I cried, turning away from Michellie. "I- I need some air. I'm going into the gardens."

"over my dead body are you going anywhere! You are in so much trouble cyan! How many times do I have to tell you-"

"'No one should enter your room in the tunnel but you.'" I finished quoting for her. "I know Michi, but it's not fair. It's a stupid rule and I'm old enough to have company."

"you're seventeen. That's hardly old enough to be hooking up." She insisted, her annoyance leaking into her words.

"And how old is old enough?" I questioned. "Should I wait twenty years for half my lifespan to be gone? I'm not a blood angel, remember? I'm human and in human years I'm old enough to kiss and even go out into the gardens by myself."

"Stop being so melodramatic." She insisted, ignoring my questions. "You're not allowed into the gardens, not with an escort and sure as hell not alone!"

"Why not?" I pushed. "Actually, just give me one good reason why I can't go out into the gardens aside from having been kissing a boy, which is none of your business anyway!"

"Because I said so!" She answered. "You're staying in these tunnels until I tell Elijah what happened and then you'll stay down her even longer! You'll stay down here for the rest of your life if you don't stop doing reckless things!" Her almost always red eyes swirled with a color I barely even recognized as she finished her rant. "I'm trying to protect you Cyan. Just stay in the damn tunnels."

Needless to say, the second she had left the tunnels I did too. I headed straight for the garden right outside the palace walls and once I had convinced two new guards to let me out alone, I was captured by my scruffy captors.

"It's weird seeing a human this up close." Kidnapper number two mumbled, still staring at me. I snorted, trying to adjust my arms that were bound behind me into a more comfortable position.

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