Day 12

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Well this is getting better and better each day I broke up with the 15 year old and now I'm a single girl who wants nothing to do with relationships. I got into the school when the bell rang and of course I had to be pushed around by everyone bigger than me, but u just inored them. After I got in class i was sent to do a little project with the gym teacher since I'm his favorite student. We got to the gym and he said "so Sky can you help put up the valley ball nets with me and help teach younger kids how to play?" "Of course anything that includes sports" I replied with a smile. After we finished our little conversation I went into the storage room and grabbed a next and my gym teacher grabbed the other. I finished putting up the first next and same with my teacher, after about a few minutes a class of grade 4s came in, even though I'm not that of a big fan of kids I still helped them. After the class was over I walked up to the teacher and said "well I'm going outside now to play soccer with my friends so bye" "ok have fun and thank you for helping me" he replied "no problem" I answered back, and with that I ran out of the gym and into the school yard. I ran up to the very top field where my friends were playing soccer and I joined in.

After the long day at school I decided that when I get home that I will go to my peaceful place and get everything off my mind...

Today was the best day I have had in a few years, and I'm glad of it. So until tomorrow, best day yet...

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