The Handshake

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The day of their graduation came faster than anyone could have imagined, and there was an unmistakable air of sadness about it. Harry Potter and his fellow Gryffindors had celebrated the end of summer term—and the end of their time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry— the night before, happy to be done with it all at last. But when the time came to say goodbye to the school, the teachers, the friends, and the memories, their former euphoric spirit vanished like smoke in a gust of wind. The stress of their NEWTs lay behind them, as well as the security of their seven-year-long companionship.

Many faces were grim, and Harry felt his own features turn into a wry grin as Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore entered the Great Hall through the side door at the far end and settled themselves into their chairs at the long staff table. Snape was already sitting in his chair, looking just as fierce as always, but with a certain touch of smug delight in his sharp, black eyes.

Harry watched Dumbledore as he prepared himself for his annual end-of-year speech, half-repressed tremours of anticipation quivering through his tense body.

Opposite him, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were sitting side by side, friendly towards one another for once, holding hands. They had been together since Spring term of their sixth year, by which time they had finally given up on their pride and confessed to themselves that, yes, they were in love. Everyone else had anticipated, and almost impatiently awaited, it since that whole show-off in the Gryffindor common room after the Yule ball. Harry was not surprised. No, what surprised him was how in Hell's pitfire they managed to stay together—with not so little patience and perseverance—when they were constantly nagging each other for one reason or another, just like they had always been. And probably always would be.

Harry could not help but feel a bit jealous; he did not have anything that came even close to their relationship. And he had never experienced anything even slightly resembling a relationship. Well, if you did not count the kiss he had once shared with Cho Chang after one of their secret DA meetings, and their infamous date in Hogsmeade that one miserable Valentine's Day ...

He sighed. Why did the thought of leaving school alone make him so depressed?

Maybe because he did not have anywhere to go. This was his last year—he was now a wizard of age—and Uncle Vernon had made it quite clear that Harry had no more business there. Not that he was particularly depressed about that, but where would he go? He had nowhere else to turn; the Dursleys were his only living relatives—and they hated him. What had he really done to deserve their utter loathing? He could of course go stay with Mrs. Figgs, but how much fun would that be on a scale? Living with an old squib ...

The end-of-term feast was a complete blur to Harry; he could not remember eating anything. As they all rose from their tables to catch their rides to Hogsmeade Station, he caught his arch enemy's eye in the shuffling crowd. The cold, harsh, grey stare of Draco Malfoy seemed to pierce him straight through and made him shiver anew. The obvious rage and hatred in those eyes made his insides twist, because they were a painful reminder of his numerous encounters with Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters, and with the Dark Lord himself. He was certain that the next time he met those eyes, it would be the day that either of them died.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione shared a train compartment with Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Ron's younger sister Ginny. They were all kind of dejected, but they kept up a frequent stream of conversation. Played wizard's chess. Some Exploding Snap. Neville lost his toad Trevor twice, which was a positive record for him.

As they drew nearer to King's Cross Station, Harry grew more silent and withdrawn. He knew the others were watching him with concern, but he did not care at the moment. Soon they would all be off, smiling and laughing, met up by their families, and he would stand there looking lost and utterly ridiculous, with nowhere to go and no-one to meet him—anywhere.

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