Chapter 5

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KayLees POV:

They all got changed, Niall got changed into his crazy people shirt Zayn wore a plaid blue shirt and a grey vest and a red tie, Louis wore a white shirt with red stripes and with red suspenders and Liam wore a tight polo shirt and Harry wore a white tank top with is grey beenie. "KayLee, where is the mall from here" umm you go uptown and then make a left then you will see a stop sign and then go straight there on "Ohh well ok thanks ohh could I mabey umm borrow your car please?!" why? "well because we forgot our cars. and a limousine will be to obvious and everyone will chase after me" ok then yes Keys are on the fridge. "Thanks" Harry hit my shoulder as he brushed pass me I put my hand on my right shoulder because it hurt. everyone went to the mall except Louis and me.

Louis POV:

So umm KayLee where is your mom is she on a business trip or something?? "No, she is up their" shes up stairs?? "No she is in heaven" She Died?? her lip quiverd as she shook her head yes a tear escaped across her cheek. She ran to her room and slammed the door behind her and I could hear her crying on her bed I knocked on her door. "GO AWAY LOUIS!!" she cried more after she said that I just opened up the door and plopped on her bed while she cried into her pillow. patted her back and finally got up and wiped her tears and she wrapped her arms around me and cried into my chest and we starred at each other for about 1 minute and i kissed her cheek. she looked at me awkwardly her eyes went back and forth and i think she felt UN comfortable "Thank You Louis" she walked away

KayLees POV:

what do I do he just kissed me and why did I say thank you! im so stupid! I dont even know like him but now i have to because it would be awkward if I didn't date him omg so hard to choose this is really wierd OMG im so confused!!!!!!!!!!!!

Louis POV:

what was I thinking about kissing her now she wont even like me she will be more tense around me I'm so stupid!!!!!!!!!! it would of been better if i kissed her at the movies it would be more common because there would be a kissing scene. what do i do. does she even like me I AM SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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