Chapter Five

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Sorry it's been a few days I probably wont be posting that much, because school is starting tomorrow!

I dread it, not going to lie.

Anyway here's another Chapter! :D

Hope you like it!



"I'm having a girl." She said excited.

"Sweet, Congratulations. We have to get going, but remember to text me and we can hang out." I told her.

"Okay, bye."


We got in the car, it was snowing. "Well, finally were getting some snow." Joe said.

"This is Indiana you know. You never know what it's going to do." I told him.

"Right, but coming from Alabama you never see this much snow."

"Right." I said. We both laughed.

"So, this was an exciting day. Wouldn't you say?" He asked.

"Yeah, but at first I though you were going to say something I didn't want to hear."

"Like what?"

"Like to get an abortion."

"Rose, I would never say that. After all this baby never asked to be created you know?"

"I know." I smiled.

"Are you going to tell you mom, Rose?"

"Well I have to. I wont be able to hind it for nine months." I chuckled.

"Okay, do you think she'll be mad?"

"Yeah, but she'll have to get over it." I said, and he just smiled and we were silent the rest of the way home.

We went to my house, I didn't know how to tell my mom. I went up to my room without saying a word to her. I had to figure out what to say. Joe just followed what ever I did, I couldn't think of anything to say so I just went downstairs, and sat in the Kitchen for awhile until she noticed me.

"Hey Rose, I haven't seen you in a few days is everything okay? Are you mad at me?"

"Hey mom, I know. Everything is fine. And no, I'm not mad at you. But I do need to talk to you about something." I told her.

"About what? Is it school, Joe?"

"No, none of those. Mom, this isn't Joe's fault I promise!"

"What are you talking about Rose, did he hit you? Are you pregnant? Damn-it Rose, tell me."

"It's one of those. Mom, I'm pregnant." I began to cry.

"Oh, Rose! It's fine, we can take care of this." She said.

I looked at her. "Mom, no. I'm keeping it, we're keeping it. Joe and I already talked about it."

"Sundae Elizabeth Rose Parker, you still a damn kid yourself!"

"Mom, I'm almost eighteen and I'll be done with school in five months. I can do this."

"I don't care, if your keeping it, then you can't stay here. I taught you better than that."

"Okay, I go somewhere else." I said as Joe came downstairs.

"She can live with me." He said.

"Your the reason why she's getting kicked out Joe! After all you did knock her up!"

"Mom, stop it, it's not his fault!"

Joe and I went upstairs and got some of my things. We would come back and get the rest later. I couldn't believe, she was pinning all this on Joe, this was my fault too. Do I regret anything? Hell no I don't! All Joe could keep saying is 'I'm sorry Rose' over and over again. I kept telling him, it wasn't his fault.

* * *

(February, 14th 2 months later)

I was thirteen weeks into my pregnancy and I loved ever minute of it. I was starting to show a little, there was a little baby bump. Joe said it was sexy but I wasn't ready to be getting even bigger! Madison, text me we were going to hang out with her today. Even though it was valentines day. Joe, got me flowers and a cute necklace plus some chocolate. He even picked something up for Madison.

We met at the mall to pick out some baby clothes for her. Then we went and hung out at her place for awhile. Joe gave her what he got her, it was a smaller box of chocolate. I had to aske how old she was because it was bothering me for some reason.

"So Madison, How old are you?"

"I'm nineteen, how about you?"

"Oh wow, we look really young. I'm eighteen."

"Thanks everything thinks I'm sixteen or seventeen. You look really young too."

"Thanks, so how far along are you now?" She asked.

"I'm three months."

"Just wait till you get to your bigger months, you'll get the baby's feet in your ribs, and sometimes it feels like he's jumping on your bladder. Other than that I love it."

"Thanks for telling me." I laughed. Then asked, "Have you talked to the baby's father anymore?"

"Yeah, he's coming around. Finally, I mean he has one kid already and see's him every now and then when he wants to. I mean this is bad to say, but he's only a father when he wants to be."

"I see, I hope everything works out for you."


"Your welcome, What day are you due? We will come and see you."

"April, 23rd."

"Okay, We'll try to see you before then."

"Okay bye."


I felt bad for Madison, I couldn't imagine not having Joe here with me through this. I just hope everything works out for her and her baby. Seriously if you can't take care of your first kid why would you have a second one for, some people just piss me off!

*                         *                         *

We went home, and watched movies all day. We had school in the morning, to be honest I couldn't wait till I was out. I hated school with a passion, ever since I first started. With Joe, school wasn't so bad considering I had just about every class with him.

Joe would rub my stomach like most guys would do. It made me smile, in a way I think Joe was ready for a kid, but some days I'm not so sure. I do know he will be a great dad. We still don't have names picked out, I mean we have plenty of time but I don't want to wait until the last minute.

The next day at school was just like any other day, boring. It went by pretty quick though. I only had a few more months left and school was done for me, and Joe. Yeah we're going to go to college, but I plan on taking all my classes online so I can stay home with the baby.


Hope you liked it!

I will try to post another chapter this weekend if I'm not busy! :)

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