Chapter Three

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Here's another Chapter!

Hope you all like it!!!



I layed in bed thinking, 'Wow last night was crazy, I couldn't believe I went to that party. I have never drank before last night. Ever since Joe has been here i've changed and not in a good way, I talked to my mom in a hateful way, which I hated because I was taught to respect my mother and all my elders but now I don't respect them like I should. I also had made a promise to god to wait till I was married to have sex and that didn't happen. Then there was drinking not much to say on that one really almost everyone drinks, I never said I'd stay away from alcohol. Oh well everything happens for a reason right?'

I sat up in Joe's bed, I had a killer headache. "I'm never drinking again, the hangover's are not worth it!" I told Joe.

"Wow, who hit you with the smart stick?" He muttered.

"Shut up, Joe!" I hit him playfully.

"I'm just kidding, now you know why I don't drink!"

"Wait, I thought it was because..." I trailed off.

"My dad? No, I drank after he was killed to try and make the pain go away, but that just makes everything worse."

"I know what you mean."

"So do you remember anything from last night?" He asked me.

"Yes, I remember walking in and grabbing a drink, I had one right after the other. Then I went to the bathroom, and you followed and said 'I've had enough to drink.' or something like that, then I drank a little more and started dancing and some guy was really drunk and touching me, then you stepped in and we left. We came back here, and you said I smelled like a liquor cabinet so I took a shower and sobered up. Then I begged you to come in here with me."

"Wow, I can't believe you remembered all that. It's like you didn't even drink much, but you did." He sounded shocked that I remembered.

"Duh, I thought you had left so I quit drinking, I mean I still had a little but I slowed down a little." I chuckled

"Yeah, no you didn't you still drank one after the other. Are you okay, you look like your going to puke?"

"I'm fine. Wait, hold that thought." I ran to the bathroom, Joe right behind me. He held my hair up as I was puking every ounce of alcohol in my system up.

"Well I hope you feel much better." He chuckled.

"Oh, yeah tons better." I brushed my teeth and felt so embarrassed.

I went home, and my mom asked me a million questions, like where were you last night? Why did Joe come and get clothes for you? Where you drinking last night? Blah, blah, blah. All I could think was mom shut up. But, I answered truthfully, "I was with Joe last night, I was also drunk last night Joe saved me from probably getting raped, and he got me some clothes because I took a shower since I smelt like a liquor cabinet."

"At least I can tell your being honest, probably not about being raped but the rest I believe." She said.

"Whatever mom, I probably would have been. If Joe comes over send him up to my room please."

"Sure." She said.

I couln't believe my mother thought I was lying, but at this point I don't care. School was starting in two days, I dreaded it. Oh well this year, I had an amazing boyfriend and I was going to give all I can to make all the girls jealous. I mean what's not to love about Joe Watkins? He has gorgeous blue eyes, very muscular, tall, tan, dark hair and not to mention really hot too. Who know maybe even the star football player if he's into it.

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