But, of course, he was interrupted once again.

"Nic, what do you want?" Connor questioned, hitting the space bar a little too hard. Nicola widened her eyes at her brothers sternness, but walked into his room all the same.

"Do you want to come with Brandon and I to the mall? That way we can escape these overly loud teenagers?"

"One, you're a teenager too, Nic." Connor explained, putting his headphones back in his ear. "and two, all I want to do is finish this documentary. Have fun, though." Nicola let out a small smile followed by a response of approval. The, she let Connor be.

Connor finally could sit through the rest of his documentary in peace. Bethany was kept busy by her friends, his mom and Tony were at work, and his siblings were at the mall.

With fifteen minutes left of the documentary left, the door leading into Connor's bedroom opened once more. Connor pressed pause and sighed.

"Nicola, let me watch the damn documentary in peace" Connor exasperated, leaning his head on his headboard.

"Oh shit, wrong room" and australian accent stated, turning around out of the door.

"wrong room my ass" Connor mumbled out. Each bedroom in the house had a clear indicator of whose room was which. For example, Connor's room literally had a signs with the initials 'CF' on the door itself.

"Sorry?" The boy stated, turning to face Connor. "It was an honest mistake, really" the boy reassured.

Connor seemed to be able to put a name to the face. His name was Troye, if Connor could remember correctly. Troye with an E to be exact. Connor remembers how Bethany had a good five minute discussion with the family about how it's pronounced just as 'Troy' would be pronounced, not 'troy-eee'.

"It's okay. I've just been trying to watch this all day and I keep getting interrupted." Connor explained further, hoping the boy would leave soon.

"Which documentary is it?" Troye asked, inviting himself to sit on the edge of Connor's bed.

"Dior and I" Connor, slightly annoyed, replied. "It's a fr-"

"French fashion documentary, yeah. I've seen it." Troye stated proudly, almost as of he was trying to impress Connor. Connor raised his eyebrows at the boy.

"You've seen it?"

"Yeah, I watched it with Joey. It's incroyable if you ask me" Troye imitated a french accent as he spoke, making Connor hold back a stifled laugh.

The two were interrupted as Bethany barged into the room, requesting for Connor to 'stop stealing her friends'. Then with that, Connor was finally left alone to watch his documentary by himself.


"Mom you know Bethany has a boy over, right?" Connor questioned as soon as Cheryl walked into the house.

"Troye, right? Yeah, he's a nice boy," Cheryl smiled, pushing past Connor to bring the groceries into the house.

"You're aware that he's spending the night, right?" At this point, it was basically an interrogation of questions involving Troye.

"Yes, honey. Why are you so bothered by this?" Cheryl breathed, taking the soup cans out of the grocery bags.

"Because Bethany is a girl and Troye is a boy and-"

"I'm gay" Connor was interrupted by the familiar Australian voice that spoke to him earlier about Dior and I.

Connor looked at Cheryl who just gave Connor a look saying there's your reason.

"Honestly, Connor, I never would've thought you were this concerned about your stepsister." Troye laughed, walking over to the water bottles, previously set on the table by Bethany.

"Just because she's my stepsister, doesn't mean we don't get along." Connor stated, walking past Troye. Troye threw his hands in defeat as he followed Connor out of the kitchen. "Can i help you?" the annoyed Connor asked, turning around to face Troye.

"It seems that you've forgotten that Bethany's room is, in fact, across from your room." Troye stated, this time sass was lacing his voice. "Now if you'll excuse me" Troye commented, pushing past Connor. (He made sure he nudged Connor's shoulders, causing Connor to take a step back).

And with that, Troye walked into Bethany's room, leaving Connor slightly offended, yet intrigued at the same time.



wow look who is writing yet ANOTHER fanfic.... me.....





oh well. i explained the plot of this to CoffeeForTheSoul and they seemed excited so yeah.

i'm on break so update will be whenever i'm bored and free to write! X

love you lovies.

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