#14 Thirteenth Birthday Party

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It was Shelly's thirteenth birthday party. She had invited all her friends from class over! She had even invited all her neighbours over! She was so excited. How many girls get to have their thirteenth birthday party? It was the first time her mom had ever let her invite so many guests.

It was 7-pm and only five girls from her class came. That was okay because all six of her neighbour friends had also come. She gathered them to the living room and played some music.

But her class friends never danced. They were more interested in something else. They went to Shelly's room, used her computer to log on to MSN, the popular chatting software. Shelly was upset, but she didn't mind. Maybe they could take the party to her room and they could all use MSN!

But her class friends didn't allow it. They sent her and her neighbours out into the living room, closing the door so that they themselves would have the privacy. They only came out for food that her mom cooked, cut her Power Puff Girls cake half-heartedly, and went home.

Shelly cried that night. She had the worst thirteenth birthday party ever. A party that she could never have again.

Prompt: Write about the time you cried when your guests arrived.

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