The Outfit : 1

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Hiya everyone!!! This is my first book on wattpad!!! Before I start, I just wanna give a massive thanks to Chico_hataki and luvreading8383 also besan:) and RoWaN. Coz without them, I wouldn't be writing this story and they gave me most of the ideas I needed. I'd also like to thank you for reading my book! :)

Plz comment so that I can improve my writing!





Chapter 1: The outfit

"I'm NOT wearing that!" I passionately exclaimed to my bezzies Alex and Lexi.

"You owe us - remember?" Lexi replied mockingly; Alex nodding in agreement.

Sighing, I turned towards them and wondered how such innocent people could be so devilish.

Alex and Lexi were quite simply, twins from hell. They came from a rich, prosperous and snobbish family but in no way lived up to that reputation. Ginger, frizzy curls framed their oblong oval faces. Bright, sparkly green eyes dominated the top half of their faces. A cute button nose nestled at the center of their faces, with dark pink lips beneath. Lexi sported a curvy hourglass figure, well defined by her vest and short shorts. Alex on the other hand, had a lean athletes body that he wasn't afraid to show off by wearing a skin tight t-shirt and knee length shorts.

Hung from Lexi's slender fingers was an outfit that took provocative to the next level - the shortest of all miniskirts and a belly top that was more like a bra than a top.

"I don't care!" I retorted. "I'll pay you back some other way - not by dressing like a hooker!"

"Need I remind you of the time we saved you from the cranky old lady with the walking stick?" Alex asked, a grin plastered to his face.

I shivered at the memory of the devilish monster that charged down the street at me for no sane reason.

"Ugh! I don't need to remember that." I complained.

I glanced over at Alex who was now preoccupied by a row of footie tops. Begrudgingly, I turned back to Lexi who now had an eyebrow raised and a sly grin stretched across her lips.

"So?" She asked, handing over the outfit. I sighed exasperatedly, remembering a time when I would have fought back, and stormed into the changing room, muttering something about selfish brats.

Now dressed in the clingy outfit that left little to the imagination, I shoved aside the curtains with an angry flourish. Bursting my ears, Lexi screeched like a banshee and began hopping up and down. "Hotness! You are so totally getting this."

"Yeah, if you wanna add another twenty guys to your posse of fanboys." Alex interjected with raised eyebrows and a knowing glint to his eyes.

Embarrassed, I turned to conceal my blush. As I did, I caught a glance of myself in the mirror and recoiled in horror. I looked like a total harlot. The skirt was so high you could see my nickers and showed far too much of my pale, snowy white legs. The belly top showed off my flat stomach as if on a parade. My waist length buttercup blonde hair did little to help with the image. I closed my eyes, outraged, and imagined my clear soft skin littered with make-up. I could just see blood red lipstick dripping off my full lips, toner swamping my face and turning it an unnatural shade of yellow and eye shadow making my emerald green eyes pop out - but not in a good way.

A shiver of apprehension coursed through my body. There was no way in hell that I was going to wear these clothes - ever. But knowing I would never win an argument with Lexi, I fixed on a brave face and decided to try to get into the moment.

The operative word being try. I couldn't help but think of ways to deceive Lexi into letting me buy less revealing clothes, or even into not making me buy those clothes. It wasn't long before I came up with a plan. Alex saw the train of emotion crossing my face and the rebellious glint to my eyes as I plotted and immediately came to the conclusion I had made - I promised I would try on the outfits and let Lexi buy them for me. I never said I would wear them. Alex caught my eye and flashed a grin. Rolling my eyes in responce, I braced myself for the next fifty outfits....

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