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Bellamy's P.O.V.

One may never know how much they love someone until they are gone.

Bellamy has just realized this after the mark of four weeks since Clarke left Camp Jaha. He knew that he had to respect her decision. He knew that she needed her time to manage what happened at Mount Weather. Bellamy had just hoped that Clarke would want to manage it together.

His heart ached for her. He imagined waking up one morning to find Clarke at the gates with her arms open for him. He imagined her voice. Her smile. Her laugh. He imagined holding her again. Kissing her. Telling her that he was in love with her...

Bellamy wished he could have found a way to make her stay. He had the silly thought that she would stay in Camp Jaha for him. That maybe he was reason enough.

Despite the gaping hole in his chest, Bellamy did not stop working. Early in the morning, he trained. In the afternoon, he held meetings with Kane and Abby. At night, he stood on guard. It was at this time of day, that Clarke found her way into Bellamy's thoughts. He constantly wondered where she ventured off to. Many times, he almost led himself to the brink of madness considering all the ways that Clarke might have been in pain. His mind conjured up the most grisly possibilities. Bellamy immediately denied them.

He decided, after hours of silent contemplation, it was time that Clarke came home. It was time that she came back to him. Therefore, he packed his backpack and ambled off into the dark woods...

Clarke's P.O.V.

Clarke missed home. She missed Jasper, Monty, Raven, and Octavia. She missed her mother. Most of all, she missed Bellamy.

Bellamy Blake. The boy who shot the Chancellor to protect his sister from the unknown dangers of the ground. The boy who pretended to be couregous to make his people feel secure. The boy who risked his life at Mount Weather to save the lives of some people he did not even know. The boy who pulled the lever with Clarke to shield her from the agonizing depths of guilt that would come. The boy who managed to make Clarke's heart smile on the darkest of days. Oh, Bellamy Blake.

No matter the supreme sadness and misery she felt without her family, she could not return. She couldn't face what she had done for her people. Every familiar face resembled all the men, women, and children she left to die in Mount Weather. All of her attempts of convincing herself that it was for the greater good had failed several times over.

The only explanation was that death followed Clarke on every stone in which she stepped. Therefore, it would be best for everyone in Camp Jaha if she just annihilated her presence in their lives. Clarke thought that would be best for herself, too, but she was terribly wrong. In fact, she found herself descending down a boundless spiral of desolation.

She was arrogant to believe that she was stable enough to handle the regret and remorse on her own. Now, after sacrificing those at Mount Weather and fleeing from her responsibilities at Camp Jaha, there was no chance that she could show her face to her people. Clarke was full of shame.

Clarke lay on a torn mattress in the bunker found by Finn. She missed Finn, too. She wished she could have found another way. She always wished there was another way. If there was another way, maybe she would be in Camp Jaha now. With Bellamy.

Bellamy. How did he manage to prevail over all the absolute madness in Clarke's mind? Although, she didn't exactly care. She liked being reminiscent, if it meant catching glimpses of him inside her memories. She often wondered if he thought of her as she thought of him.

That night, she dreamed of a reuniting with a certain freckled face.

Bellamy's P.O.V.

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