6- Lets Play A Game

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Prompt- She may or may not of loaded the trunk with C4.

John turned to me and stared into my hazel eyes as I stared into his green pair. Never did I think I would be here, sitting in the desert, with my boyfriend, and I hadn't even told him what I had put in the trunk. 

"So, what's next on our journey, my dear?" He whispered as we stared at the jet black sky, dotted with white specks. 

"Take a look in the trunk."


"I may or may not have packed it with C4."

"Oh you silly girl you." He planted a kiss on my cheek. 

The trunk was loaded to the brim. I was ready to have some fun. Not only with the C4, but with John. You are so nasty, NOT LIKE THAT! We were going to dance.

"May I have this dance?"

As we danced, the sand beneath us crunched, and the sun slowly rose. We had work that needed to be done.

Lots of work.

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