What sign say when you make them angry.

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Aries :- say your last prayers ...

Taurus :- you will regret that mark my words

Gemini :- you thought I would stay quite huh go check on ur pets now they're gone hahahahaha

Cancer :- what were you thinking of you son of cricket ....

Leo :- you retard now I will tell u a story about a man who made a queen angry and was never heard form again.

Libra :- I forgive ya it's ok .....

Aquarius :- now it's my turn ...

Virgo :- starts crying I love you but because you made me angry I wanna kill u ....

Capricorn :- tell me when your sorry so I can take the calico hood off you .

Scorpio :- * blows up * don't come near me I have 45678890088777666 knifes in my bag and I am not afraid to use them .

Sagittarius :- laughs at their face and now I will make you angry by laughing hahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaha............

Pisces :- well because  I am an angel I will tolerate it but be careful next time you little bastard ....

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